Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Gangs Influence On Black Youth Essay - 2031 Words
Gangs have existed in America since the early eighteenth century, they first rose a outsider institutions that provided membership and sense of self to individuals who were not seen as part of the community. Traditionally, gang membership correlates to familial membership; parental and family membership in a gang elevates the possibility of youth also joining a gang. Though these outsider institutions have developed overtime, they pose some of the most violent threats to public safety, but also to those they say they will protect. It is this violence and lifestyle dominated by power associated with gang memberships that create an appeal to black youth and change the course of their lives. Gangs are a creation of an ongoing cycle, in which society has failed to improve conditions for teens who are looking for new ways to belong in the community. When analyzing gangs influence on black youth, it is important to first understand what motives lead them to join in the first place. In the article, â€Å"Predictors of Gang Membership: Variation Across Grade Levels,†the authors Antoinette Farmer and Timothy Hairston establish that risk factors for gang membership fall within five domains. These domains are individual, family, peer, school, and community Therefore, it is found that the individual factors accounting in the chances of joining are being an African American male, negative life events, and low self-esteem. Research found that the loss of a parent or close family member orShow MoreRelatedThe American Of American History Essay1523 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout the course of American history, the usage of gangs has always been embedded in the striving desire to be rebel, such as defeating the overhanging stature of the British empire. However as the 13 colonies formed a colonial gang in an effort to eliminate Bri tish influence in America, the definition of the word gang has transformed into an entirely different meaning. 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These gangs always have strong leaders and use that leadership role to their advantage as an influence on otherRead More Gang Violence in the United States Essay1192 Words  | 5 PagesGang Violence in the United States Gang violence in America is reaching alarming proportions. Chicago police Commander Donald Hilbring states, Gangs are everywhere. All throughout the city of Chicago, the suburbs, throughout the state, throughout the nation. Chicago police state that so far this year, more than 100 gang-related murders have occurred. Everyday an other report on the evening news relays the tragedy of a child accidently caught in gang crossfire. The image of blackRead MorePolicing The Lives Of Black And Latino Boys1348 Words  | 6 PagesPolicing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys The book Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys was written by Victor M. Rios, containing 174 pages, and was published in 2011 by the New York University Press. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Different Types Of Managers Essay - 1726 Words
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Here are the two different types of managers. The first manager is task oriented which is called as transactional Leadership. Transactional leaders are mainly focused on hypothesis because followers are motivated through reward and punishments. They are closely aligned with the internal motivational factors of the followers (2014). In other words we can define transactional leadership as managerial leadership that focuses on the role of organisation, supervision and group performance. Workers are provided with rewards and punishments. Some of the characteristics of transactional leadership are: a) Followers should obey and follow the instructions of the leaders. b) The leader should perform her best when the chain of command is clear. c) Leader must have motivational skills. d) Rewards and punishments according to their works (Cherry, 2014). The second manager is people oriented. She is friendly and focuses on structuring and planning the work. Her behaviour is related with transformational leadership style. Transformational leaders are those who tells their followers to become a leader. They are the leaders who stimulate and inspire their leaders to follow the long term mission and vision. Transformational leaders are encouraging and friendly in nature. They can easily cope up with the environment as well as with the people. They are the leaders having faith and belief in people.Show MoreRelatedDifferent Types Of Managers Out Of The Workforce1488 Words  | 6 Pagesto the O*NET site there are many different types of managers out in the workforce. I feel that one of the managers I d be best suited for Administrative Services. In specific, I d like to be a manger because I feel that I have developed leadership skills, I know when to delegate, I am detail oriented, I feel that I am well organized and I enjoy teaching an d communicating with others and watching other them progress and doing well in their job. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Systems
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Systems. Answer: Introduction The research in the academia and practice has hugely emphasized on the changing role of the accounting function has resulted from the advent of the changes in the Information technology over the last decade (Franks, 2014). The adoption of the IT tools and the techniques used for the accounting has substantively changed and enhanced on the way many companies operate in Australia. It has improved on the timely aspect, the qualitative and comprehensive delivery of the services to the clientele they serve. (Franks, 2014)The evolvement of the Information Technology has increased the efficiency of the financial transactions processing as the adoption of the computerized packages generated the improvement to the quality and the quantity of the information that is made available more so to the management for the decision-making. Besides, the use of the IT equipment and the facilities that are developed over time has necessitated on the assembling of the integrated application by the manufact urers of the software (Jones, 2016). The use of the accounting software to the management of the accounting information evolved many decades ago and in the recent times, it has become an integral part of many organizations in Australia. It is also significant to note that the degree of the implementation differs from one business to another, the size, and the industry (Jones, 2016). The deployment of the accounting software in these organizations has become an integral to every strategy of the corporate. Moreover, the acquisition of this software to supporting the processes of the financial transactions in business today is vital for the company to attain success and it depend mostly on the feasibility of how the corporate is aligned, their enterprises and the level of operations of their strategies. (Lim, 2013) The aspect of aligning IT and the business plan is a fundamental key to success in any business seeking competitive advantage. It is also important to understand that the deployment of this software does not com e without the prohibitive cost of the implementation process (Klooster, Allen and Owen, 2014). On this research, it would cover the history of the accounting software in Australia, the development, and the adoption. Moreover, the paper will also explore on the leaders in the market and what makes them have a competitive advantage. The challenges the customers also encounters on the use of this software and the provision of suggestions and recommendations. Literature review The completive environment in which the companies are operating in is becoming more and more challenging. Many of the companies are increasing on the data to use the complicated and advanced accounting software in Australia to react appropriately to the external market pressure. Many businesses in Australia mostly use various accounting packages so of these are MYOB, Xero, Intuit QuickBooks, Saasu, and Reckon (Chen and Yang, 2013). The QuickBooks is one of the widely used accounting software by the small business owners in Australian. The major aspect contributing to the popularity of this software is the price, which is standard, and the overall levels of the features it has. Individuals thus use this to track their business on the income, expenses and the profits. (Ossadnik and Kaspar, 2013) The MYOB is the top rated and the best accounting software in Australia. The platform of this software was designed from scratch to perform the accounting functions and to help the business own ers increase on their profitability to make better decisions on a real-time view of the financial operation of the firm. For the retailers that operate in Australia, the MYOB accounting software is more than the store register. The design of the software has an interface, which can point the sale transactions that can be integrated into the whole business operations. (Chen and Yang, 2013). Besides, the interface for the software can work both online and offline which makes the design to be superb. On the Reckon software, is essentially used by the medium-sized businesses in Australia like; accountants, bookkeepers. The use of the software provides businesses to perform the point of sale transactions since it can link one sales operations and the desktop software suite through the POS system (Schiff and Szendi, 2014). The use of the software is for the small business, and it has comprehensive features that suit a given type of business. On the Saasu accounting software, it is claimed to be the future of the accounting. The use of this software the Australian company can prompt be able to perform on the cash flow cashing with just a click, and there is no need for the extra setup or synchronizing of the software. Another software is Xero, which has the capabilities of the real-time data. (Alamin, Yeoh, Warren and Salzman, 2015)This software is the most sought out in that it has over half a million subscribers who are using their platform. The software is designed to over online invoicing, and the business owner receives an update when the customer opens the bill. The software has an advanced process of reconciliation that allows one to import and categorize on the bank transactions (Ren and Gu, 2014). Market leaders and competitive advantages The market leaders in the accounting software in Australia are Saasu and Xero since they are cloud-based software market. The use of the cloud software gives the middle sized and the larger SMEs in Australia to be able to implement enterprise software at a fraction of the deployment and the costs of the ownership. (Tang, Yan and Kang, 2013) In Australia, many of the organization from small to large are now replacing the traditional accounting software with the online cloud accounting software. According to research, twenty-seven percent of the business and sixty-7 percent of accounting firms in Australia have already migrated to the use of the online cloud accounting software. The competitive advantage of the utilization of this cloud-based software is essentially due to its features of enhanced security, increased functionality and the reduced cost of IT. The use of the online accounting is simplified due to the aspect of access to the data from any of the location and the remote wo rking capabilities. (Lam, 2015) The Xero software is the one that is mostly regarded as the market leader since it has a platform that focuses on eliminating the inefficiencies in the processes of accounting. In the use of these, software does not involve the manual processes; it can automatically pull the data from the bank feeds, the reconciliation, and can categorize the transactions within seconds (Tang, Yan and Kang, 2013). Challenges encountered by the users of accounting software The accounting software, which gives the users problems are the ones that are regarded as outdated and not friendly to the user. Some of the challenges they encounter are as below. One of the challenges is a lack of the security (Kowalewski and Niedzielska, 2015). The users of the accounting software are worried that their data may be accessible to the third party even though the availability of the firewall is there to solve this problem. Another challenge is the inefficiency. The users of the software want things to be done quicker with less time consuming. Some of the accounting software products are usually not user-friendly and do not enable the users to optimize fully on them. (Kowalewski and Niedzielska, 2015)They may lack features; there are issues of compatibility and the capabilities to adequately perform a given task. There is also the aspect of the difficulty of customizing on the software. Due to the issue of the restrictions of the system, the users of the software are not able to customize based on their preference. Some of this software are difficult and cluttered to understand. Lastly, there is an issue of the compatibility of the software (Lim , 2013). Many of the users are sometimes so frustrated because their accounting software is not compatible with the programs they are using. One such example is when the customer is not able to import or retrieve the information from the other programs since their accounting software does not have the capacity. Recommendations on using the accounting software All the companies from medium and large have experience problem associated with accounting software use from time to time. The rational aspect of these societies is to know how to solve the problem when they arise. Many of the users are worried about the issue of lack of security on this system especially when a third party get access to their private information. The best thing to tackle on the issue is to invest in securing this software. The companies need to have firewalls that are updated and security protocol to prevent a breach of the system. There is also need of having a system that is up to date and user-friendly. (Lam, 2015) With the advancement of the cloud-based computing software, there is a need to adopt these on the organization to have the competitive edge and to be more efficient in delivering the services. Customer needs to have the system that they can customize to their preference and a system that is compatible with their programs. There is a need to adopt the s oftware that is user-friendly and efficient in the delivery of the services. I would recommend many organizations especially those in Australia to take the cloud-based accounting software to have a competitive advantage over others. This softwares are efficient in that they reduce any inefficiencies in the processes of accounting. References Alamin, A., Yeoh, W., Warren, M. and Salzman, S., 2015, January. An empirical study of factors influencing accounting information systems adoption. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third European Conference on Information Systems. ECIS. Chen, J. and Yang, D.C., 2013. The development of the computerization of accounting. Perspectives on Accounting and Finance in China (RLE Accounting), 8, p.229. Franks, J., 2014. LibGuides: Graduate Accounting Empirical Research: Statistical Software. Jones, D. and Jones, M., 2016. Using QuickBooks Accounting Software to Improve Financial and Production Records for Better Decision Making. In 2016 Annual Meeting, February 6-9, 2016, San Antonio, Texas (No. 229772). Southern Agricultural Economics Association. Klooster, D.A., Allen, W. and Owen, G., 2014. Integrated Accounting. Cengage Learning. Kowalewski, M. and Niedzielska, J., 2015. A Study of the Financial Accounting Software Used by Small Enterprises in Olsztyn. Olsztyn Economic Journal, (10 (3)), pp.233-245. Lam, G., 2015. The Online Accounting Software Guide: An In-depth Analysis of Today's Leading Cloud Accounting Applications. Lim, F.P.C., 2013. Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Systems. Asia-PasificJornal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities and Socialgy, 3(2), pp.93-106. Ossadnik, W. and Kaspar, R., 2013. Evaluation of AHP software from a management accounting perspective. Journal of Modelling in Management, 8(3), pp.305-319. Ren, M. and Gu, W.L., 2014. Research on the Applications of Cloud Computing in the Accounting Modernization. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 687, pp. 2756-2759). Trans Tech Publications. Schiff, A. and Szendi, J., 2014. Helping Small Business Entrepreneurs Avoid Critical Mistakes in QuickBooks Accounting Software. The Entrepreneurial Executive, 19, p.169. Tang, X., Yan, C. and Kang, Y., 2013. The Internal Control of Computerized Accounting in Information Era. In 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Science (ICITMS 2012) Proceedings (pp. 437-442). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Open Source ERP Software free essay sample
Along with the increasing use of Enterprise Resource Planning software, and begin to popular open source movement, open source ERP has become a new alternative control system resources in an organization. It has been widely available open source ERP software, with different features as well, so it is sometimes difficult to choose which is suitable to the needs of the user. This paper discusses about the features and functionality of ERP software popular open source use. In it also issued the comparison between their respective open source ERP software. This paper is expected to provide an overview of the development of open source ERP software, and be able to separate the value and shortcomings of each of the software that will be discussed. ERP software that will be compared in this paper is Opener. This software is assumed to represent the software open source ERP. Key Words: ERP, Open Source, Opener. We will write a custom essay sample on Open Source ERP Software or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1. INTRODUCTION Enterprise Resource Planning, will henceforth abbreviated as ERP, has now become a very important part in the industry and the corporate world. Automation and integration of all functions involved in the process of forming business ERP as an information system capable of facilitating the flow of information between all business functions within the organization, as well as manage relationships with stakeholders. ERP software first appeared on the market as a commercial and proprietary software, because it was so far vendors such as SAP, Peoples and Oracle still dominates the market of ERP software. However, the dominance of commercial software start deterred from open source software movement became popular. Open source ERP software was developed with the aim of minimizing errors and bugs in the system, because everyone can evaluate it. Besides the functionality and compatibility of software development can be faster because everyone is free to develop software. In this paper, we discuss more about the three open source ERP software is popularly used is Opener. Will also compare the features of the open source ERP software with other software. It is hoped this paper can be a reference open source ERP software users to choose which is more suitable to their needs. 2. OPEN ERP Opener is a very unimpressive open source business applications including Sales, CRM, Project management, Warehouse management, Manufacturing, Accounting and Human Resources. Opener has separate client and server components. XML-RPC interfaces are available. Opener free and open source software written in Python programming language. Using GET to create an attractive front end user and enterprise-class Postures database on the back end. Opener system has three main components: 0 Postures Data Server that has all databases. 0 Opener application server that has all the logic of the company. Web server, a different application called Open Object-web client, which allows you to connect to Opener from a web browser. This is not necessary if the user is connected through the GET client Image 1 User Interface to Open ERP 2. 1 Functional opener need a web browser with flash plug-in, because Opener using flash components. This software is designed to manage the manufacturing, supply chain, finance, accounting, project management, human resource management, and customers. Opener has several features that can be easily used by the users to operate the software. Some of them are : 0 Rule-based templates to specify the total price policy. 0 A Dashboard that the appearance and functionality tailored to the needs of each user. Specific customer discounts, percentage markup and so on. Fully integrated email / SMS and corporate wick. Automatic propagation of data into account in all areas of the ERP. Double-entry stock management. Enterprise modules that serve to organize enterprise modeling, hierarchical structures and systems, as well as the classification of sales order. Logistic Modules that serves to regulate the production and supply. Goods (from the warehouse to the customer). Accounting and Finance Modules that serves to analyze and manage company finances and offers solutions to problems of accounting reports. Human Resources Modules serve to organize employees in the form of employee spending arrangements. Project Management which regulates the manufacture of the companys existing projects (can be a financially and operationally). REFERENCES -ream, opener. (2009). opener Features. Accessed from http www. Opener. Com/books/open]structures. PDF 2. 2 Modularity Opener when optimally developed, they can compete with other immemorial ERP software. Opener completely modular, consisting of several modules that can be added to and developed by others, especially in the IT department to meet the needs of the company. Opener installation is relatively easy to setup. Opener provides a variety of alternative sample data packets for different companies. Desktop client works on Mac, Linux and Windows. The software is easy to use and the user can choose whether they want to use a web browser pointing to the Opener server or client using the client application (GET client) installed on each computer. However, this project provides an excellent documentation on the web site and a comprehensive book to go with it. By using Opener enterprise can improve the efficiency of business operations and also more effective in helping them to make the right decision. 2. 3 Advantages and disadvantages 2. 3. 1 Advantages 0 Opener module provides a way for enterprise modeling process. 0 Easy to contours and setup. 0 Provide an alternative decisions. The documentation is excellent. 2. 3. 2 Disadvantages 0 Opener require a full analysis of the existing business processes and the result is a complex modeling.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Using the Spanish Verb Pensar
Using the Spanish Verb Pensar Pensar typically means to think, but it is not always used in the same way as the English verb. Most significantly, the words that follow pensar might not be the ones you would expect. Keep in mind that pensar is conjugated irregularly. When the stem pens- is stressed, it becomes piens-. Thus, the present indicative forms are pienso (I think), piensas (you think), piensa (he/she/you think), pensamos (we think), pensis (you think), piensan (they/you think). Here are the main uses of pensar: Using Pensar by Itself Most frequently, pensar, when used by itself, is the equivalent of to think. Pienso, luego existo. (I think, therefore I am.)No pienso mal de ellos. (I dont think bad of them.)El que piensa demasiado siente poco. (The one who thinks too much feels little.) Using Pensar Que Pensar que is a very common way of indicating opinions or beliefs. It often is translated appropriately as to believe rather than to think. In the positive form, it is followed by a verb in the indicative mood. Note that while que in this usage usually can be translated to English as that, it often can be left untranslated, as in third and fourth examples. Pienso que vivo como un cerdo. (I think that I live like a pig.)Mi madre piensa que el doctor es culpable. (My mother believes that the doctor is at fault.)No quiero pensar que me equivoquà ©. (I dont want to believe I made a mistake.)Tambià ©n pensbamos que la recuperacià ³n econà ³mica iba a ser ms rpida. (We also used to believe the economic recovery was going to be quicker.) When used negatively, no pensar que is followed in standard Spanish by a verb in the subjunctive mood. It is not unusual, however, to heard the indicative mood used in casual Spanish. No pienso que seamos diferentes. (I dont believe we are different.)No pensbamos que fueran a darnos problemas. (We didnt think they were going to give us any problems.)Mis amigos no piensan que yo tenga ms de 21 aà ±os. (My friends dont believe Im more than 21 years old.) Using Pensar De Pensar de is another way to say to have an opinion about. Esto es lo que pienso de tu regalo. (This is what I think about your gift.)Tenemos que cambiar de lo que pensamos de nosotros mismos. (We need to change what we think about ourselves.)Ya he indicado antes lo que pienso de la clase. (I have already indicated what I think about the class.)No es bueno preocuparse por lo que los otros piensan de usted. (It isnt good to worry yourself about what others think about about you.) Pensar sobre can also mean to have an opinion about, especially when used in a question. Pensar de is more common.  ¿Quà © piensas sobre la nueva web? (What do you think about the new web site?) ¿Quà © piensan sobre los ataques suicidas como instrumento tctico para ser utilizado en una guerra? (What do they think about suicide attacks as a tactical instrument to be used in a war?) Using Pensar En When followed by en, pensar typically means to think about in the sense of having ones thoughts focus on something. Note that this isnt the same as using to think about in the sense of having an opinion. Estoy pensando en ti. (Im thinking about you.)Pablo no piensa en los riesgos. (Paul doesnt think about the risks.)Las chicas sà ³lo piensan en divertirse. (The girls think only about having fun.)Nadie piensa en cambiar las baterà as. (Nobody thinks about changing the batteries.) Pensar sobre can mean basically the same thing as pensar en but is much less common and is probably overused by English speakers speaking Spanish as a second language or when translating from English to Spanish. Pienso sobre eso dà a y noche. (I think about it day and night.)Primero hacen y luego piensan sobre ello. (First they acted, and then they thought about it.) Following Pensar With an Infinitive When followed by an infinitive, pensar is used to indicate plans or intentions. Pensamos salir maà ±ana. (Were intending to leave tomorrow.)Yo pienso estudiar medicina de veterinaria en la universidad. (Im planning on studying veterinary medicine at the university.)Pensaron salir de Venezuela, pero decidieron permanecer. (The were planning to leave Venezuela, but they stayed.)
Friday, November 22, 2019
Cluny MacPherson Invented the Gas Mask
Cluny MacPherson Invented the Gas Mask Doctor Cluny MacPherson was born in St. Johns, Newfoundland in 1879. He received his medical education from Methodist College and McGill University. MacPherson started the first St. Johns Ambulance Brigade after working with the St. Johns Ambulance Association. MacPherson served as the principal medical officer for the first Newfoundland Regiment of the St. Johns Ambulance Brigade during World War I. In response to the Germans use of poison gas in Ypres, Belgium, in 1915, MacPherson began researching methods of protection against poison gas. In the past, a soldiers only protection was to breathe through a handkerchief or other small piece of fabric soaked in urine. That same year, MacPherson invented the respirator, or gas mask, made of fabric and metal. Using a helmet taken from a captured German prisoner, he added a canvas hood with eyepieces and a breathing tube. The helmet was treated with chemicals that would absorb the chlorine used in the gas attacks. After a few improvements, Macphersons helmet became the first gas mask to be used by the British army. According to Bernard Ransom, curator of the Newfoundland Provincial Museum, Cluny Macpherson designed a fabric smoke helmet with a single exhaling tube, impregnated with chemical sorbents to defeat the airborne chlorine used in the gas attacks. Later, more elaborate sorbent compounds were added to further developments of his helmet (the P and PH models) to defeat other respiratory poison gases used such as phosgene, diphosgene and chloropicrin. The Macpherson helmet was the first general issue gas countermeasure to be used by the British Army. His invention was the most important protective device of the First World War, protecting countless soldiers from blindness, disfigurement or injury to their throats and lungs. For his services, he was made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in 1918. After suffering from a war injury, MacPherson returned to Newfoundland to serve as the director of the military medical service and later served as the president of the St. Johns Clinical Society and the Newfoundland Medical Association. MacPherson was awarded many honors for his contributions to medical science.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Explain in detail the connection between respiration, Assignment
Explain in detail the connection between respiration, nutrition,ventilation and circulation in supporting the healthy functioning of cells - Assignment Example d be working in order, respiration, circulation, ventilation and nutrition all are dependent on each other in terms of performance because if one performs and other organs is not working properly then cells won’t be getting full energy and improper growth would take place which can result into malfunctioning. We need to understand the link between all the four organs and their effect on the growth of the cells. In order to understand the connection between respiration, nutrition, ventilation and circulation separate understanding of these processes is important, understanding of these processes can make connection between these four processes and thus can build an understanding of the support that these four most important processed of human body gives to the healthy functioning of the cells. If we explain process of respiration then it is basically set of metabolic reactions which take place in all organisms’ cells which convert nutritional biochemical energy into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and after conversion it releases waste products. Reactions which are responsible in this process of respiration are catabolic which is a reaction involving reduction of one molecule and oxidation of other molecules. Plants and animals cells use few nutrients which are glucose, fatty acids. amino acids, oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) which is molecular oxygen (O2). Archaea and bacteria usually can be lithotrophs so these organisms have respiration support by using inorganic molecules which can be acceptors and electron donors example of such inorganic molecules is sulfur, hydrogen, methane, metal ions. In respiration those organism which use oxygen as final electron acceptor are called aerobics and those who don’t fall in this category are called anaerobic. Respiration process results in a form of energy and to store this energy synthesize ATP is used. ATP stored energy is used to drive different processed which require energy to perform action. Biosynthesis,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Persuasion on Technology Adaption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Persuasion on Technology Adaption - Essay Example Desktops are believed to provide comfort to the user with the fact that one can acquire the keyboard, mouse and other devices to attach to it easily. Laptops provide better comfort since one can use them even while lying down. Unlike desktops, the laptops do not need extra space for the mouse. Even while lying down at home an employee can still complete the work given to avoid the overloads that come with keeping work for a long time. One can purchase a laptop that suits their needs and not necessarily accepting it the way it comes. Desktops require that one sits in an upright position to be able to use them efficiently. The employees are better off with the laptops that can suit their work. Employees with simple tasks can have those with less RAM while those with big workloads can get the sophisticated ones. Desktops can be put in specific places for use and may not frequently be moved to avoid them from being spoilt. According to Stam, Stanton, and Guzman (2006), laptops are mobile and in case a desktop or laptop that is being used for printing or scanning fails. Besides, laptops give a wider range of options in case there is a problem in the office. The desktops in office do not give alternatives when there is a fault in any of them. Most of the times employees have no choice when a desktop fails, and an urgent task is supposed to be performed yet there is no laptop in the office. The employees should be provided with laptops to avoid the mishaps that come with faulty desktops.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Crime Scene Reconstruction Essay Example for Free
Crime Scene Reconstruction Essay It has moved beyond a physical barrier allowing analysts to dissect the crime scene to identify evidence often missed simply walking through the traditional steps of sketching. There is now the opportunity for anyone to revisit the crime scene the next day, next week, or years from now. This is an important the crime scene leaving nothing to the Jurors imagination. According to the Department of Safety for the State of Connecticut, forensic crime scene reconstruction is the process of determining the sequence of events about what occurred during and after a crime (Department of Public Safety Scientific Services, 010). Crime scene reconstruction normally starts ideas of what happened during the crime and then moves to an analysis of the evidence at the scene. It focuses on gathering as much data and evidence to form a valid hypothesis. The hypothesis can then be subjected to various tests to prove or disprove the overall interpretation of the reconstruction. Once the reconstruction is formalized a theory can be determined in support of the reconstruction. There are three types of crime scene reconstructions. They are specific incident reconstruction, specific event reconstruction, and specific physical evidence reconstruction. Specific incident reconstruction involves reconstructing a crime scene where an accident or incident occurred. This will be needed during such incidences as traffic accidents or homicides. The purpose is to identify the types of evidence that can be associated with these incidents. Using specific event reconstruction, the sequence of events or timelines can be established. This form of reconstruction looks at how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together. With specific event reconstruction the sequence of events can be determined. The final type of reconstruction is specific physical evidence reconstruction. This involves evidence such as blood and bullets. Through reconstruction of blood splatter, it can be determined where the shooter was standing during a homicide. It will also help identify the location of the bullet if it is exits the body of the victim. Capturing the crime scene is an important part of the crime scene reconstruction process. Typical methods include sketching the crime scene using graph paper and a pencil or taking photographs from a digital camera. Both of these methods do provide a snapshot of the crime scene for preservation but, they do not capture the scene in its entirety. A sketch will note measurements of physical evidence in their relation to the victims body or to such items as furniture and doorways. However, it is completely relying on the investigator to supply accurate measurements and identification of the physical evidence. Using 3D technology, the entire crime scene can be analyzed for accurate measurements at anytime. An advantage that 3D technology has over other methods of crime scene reconstruction is that it can preserve the crime scene in a moment in time. This is vital if the scene is in a populated area and needs to return to its natural state as soon as possible. Think about a crash scene involving two vehicles on an expressway in Los Angeles during rush hour that resulted in a fatality. The time it takes to clear the scene is a very important variable when collecting the evidence. Under these conditions, there may be evidence that goes unnoticed by an investigator that is sketching the scene. Not to mention the time that it takes to do physical measurements. Using 3D technology can allow the investigator to collect the data and have confidence that nothing will missed. In order to capture a crime scene in its entirety multiple scans of the scene must be considered. The collection of data comes from only the viewpoint of the investigator. Consider capturing the image of an automobile. If we were to stand at the front of the automobile we would not be of the automobile to in order to collect a complete image. One tool used to collect 3D images from a crime scene is a calibrated digital camera. It uses a technology called stereo photography. Standard photographs are only 2-dimensional representations of what you see. 3-dimensional photographs are taken from two perspectives. Because we have two eyes, we will need two perspectives on a scene. By forcing each eye to see only one photograph, i. e. the left eye sees the left photograph and the right eye sees the right photograph, your brain will reconstruct the depth information from the two pictures and you will see a 3D image (3dphotography, 2010). The use of calibrated digital cameras allows the viewer to see the image as it would have been seen by the individual taking the pictures. When multiple photographs are combined, a reconstruction of the scene is created. Another tool that is used to collect 3D images from a crime scene is a 3D scanner or laser. A 3D scanner is known for high-accuracy and long range. Most 3D scanners can collect data from 900 feet away. It can operate in bright sunlight or total darkness, indoors or out. The built-in digital camera allows the measured 3D data (known as a point cloud) to automatically be mapped creating a 3D rendering of the scene (3D Forensic Mapping, 2010). The 3D scanner quickly digitizes a scene using both panoramic photography and 3D laser scanning which is the process of making millions of highly accurate measurements in Just a few minutes. The result is an accurate 3D representation of he scene from which any measurement can be made, even long after the scene has been vacated. Whether using a calibrated digital camera or a 3D scanner, it is time to create a 3D model of the data. The models are assembled in 3D animation software. This is when the data that was collected at the crime scene is put into the software. In the case of the using a calibrated digital camera, each pixel is assigned a coordinate. The coordinate is made up of XYZ; where X is an Easting coordinate, Y is a Northing coordinate, and Z is the elevation. The pixels or coordinates are then lotted on a 3 dimensional grid. If we consider a sketch that is typically performed at a crime scene, it is laid out on a piece of graph paper. The investigator assigns a certain measurement between squares and then plots all the relative items of the crime scene at the respected distance. This would be considered a 2 dimensional drawing where only X Y are plotted. In a 3D plot, it includes the Z value. This gives the 3 dimensional model its depth. So, the multiple photographs taken with the calibrated digital camera are overlaid, assigned a coordinate, and modeled into a 3D image. The 3D scanner is not much different from a calibrated digital camera, although it uses an infrared laser to collect data points instead of pixels. The hardware then assigns coordinates to each data point and the software plots them. A 3D scanner can collect as many as 100,000 data points per second (Oberle, 2009). This creates a huge advantage over using digital camera which can only collect upwards of 8 million pixels with each photo (Patterson, 2010). It would only take a scanner Just over a minute to surpass a digital camera in resolution. At this point, the scene is ready for review. With the combination of photo-like images the software will allow the viewer to spin the images 360-degrees. Looking at the computer screen, you will be able to enter the crime scene as if you were actually there. This can be copied and viewed by anyone with access to the 3D software. It becomes a crime scene, the more likely evidence will not go unnoticed. When reviewing the crime scene reconstruction, measurements can be achieved right from the office. Because each data point is assigned a coordinate, the distance formula can be used to calculate distances between two points. The software includes an algorithm that can quickly calculate the distance between any points selected by the user. Therefore, determining specific physical evidence reconstruction such as blood splatter is made possible back at the office. In blood spatter evidence, the measurements will help calculate the mass of each drop from the size of its stain, and use this to calculate its maximum potential velocity. Air drag would tear apart a droplet if it travelled faster than this limit (Marks, 2010). With that information, and an angle of impact estimated from the shape of the stain, the software projects a ealistic trajectory backwards in time to locate the origin of the blood spatter.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Donald Trump :: essays research papers
Donald Trump, one of the great New York City business tycoons, has written several biographies that explain in detail his dealings in the business world and his personal life throughout his career. The book that I have read is titled Trump: The Art of the Comeback. In this biography Donald tells about the time in the eighties and early nineties that he was struggling financially because of the economy and the hardships that he went through to make a comeback. Each chapter tells a story about his return to the top and how he did it. This book is his account of how he engineered one of the most remarkable business comebacks in history. He has accumulated a net worth of well over three billion dollars. Â Â Â Â Â One of the things that has helped Donald Trump throughout these times was his ability to make wise decisions based on his experience. I realized when reading this book that he was very talented in the area of decision making. He knew exactly when to buy or sell his assets to maximize his profits. Trump starts of by listing his top ten comeback tips. Some seem ridiculous, but apparently they work. He suggests things such as playing golf, being paranoid, going with your gut instinct, and always having a prenuptial agreement. The first chapter explains briefly his rise to the top and the rest of the book tells how he survived the low period and eventually regained his status. One of the main reasons for Donald’s downfall was the plummeting value of his vast real estate assets. He claims that his investments in Atlantic City are what eventually saved him from really going under between 1989 and 1992. Trump then bought Mar-a-lago, a gigantic mansion in Palm Beach and restored it. He vacations there and has had dozens of celebrities vacation there also. Donald Trump then acquired 40 Wall Street in 1995. The deal that he was able to make on this property was unbelievable. He paid the Kinson family one million dollars for a building that they had already previously paid for and had also sunk tens of millions into. He truly stole this property from them. The difficulty that the Kinson family was having was dealing with the German family that owned the ground lease. As soon as the Kinson family signed the papers he was on the phone working out a new 200-year ground lease with the Hinnebergs.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
BlackBerry Company Essay
1. – ABOUT THE COMPANY BlackBerry is a line of Smartphones developed by the Canadian company called â€Å"Research In Motion†(RIM). They integrate mobile email service and typical applications like: address book, calendar, task list, memo pad etc., as well as telephone capabilities on newer models. It is primarily known for its QWERTY keyboard, and for its ability to send and receive e-mails from the same network, making it easier for businesses to communicate constantly with not restraints. The first BlackBerry was released in 1995 in Canada. The best known BlackBerry was released in 2002, which supported push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, Internet faxing, web browsing, and other wireless information services. Currently, the most widely sold is the Blackberry Bold 9700. BlackBerry devices are currently very popular in the commercial market in Latin America. The strategy that Blackberry used was to incorporate to their phones a BlackBerry Messenger that is an instant messaging applicati on exclusively for them. The BBM allows users to chat with their Blackberry contacts and also can create groups among family, friends, or colleagues to share files, photos, music, messages. Thanks to the connected applications, BBM users can share everything you have on your Smartphone. The BBM provides an opportunity to communicate instantly and can see clearly that the recipient of your message was received, read, and when they are answering. It works via a PIN code and can be customized with a profile picture, add a sentence, or even show the users music. 2 – REASONS WHY BLACKBERRY WAS SUCCESSFUL The success of BlackBerry was for the following reasons: An innovative product with an accessible price Partnerships with brands (BBVA, DIRECTV) Ethical business 2.1. AN INNOVATIVE PRODUCT WITH AN ACCESSIBLE PRICE Blackberry was successful by being an innovative product for many applications that integrates the cell phone. Because of these unusual features, consumers had the opportunity to buy the product with many payment options. 2.2. PARTNERSHIPS WITH BRANDS (BBVA, DIRECTV) BBVA BBVA say: â€Å"Security is a must. We are a bank and the BlackBerry solution is very safe.†Benefits The BlackBerry ® solution has integrated BBVA’s workflows and processes resulting in a 25% reduction in time taken to complete these activities The high level of security has enabled BBVA to justify the mobilization of its processes BlackBerry ® smartphones have been integrated into every aspect of BBVA’s employees working lives, helping them to manage tasks and duties while working remotely DIRECTV â€Å"With the DIRECTV Mà ³vil application, we have more ways for our customers to communicate with us, which means happier customers and it gives us the opportunity to drive our sales.†Benefits: DIRECTV created a custom application called DIRECTVâ„ ¢ Mà ³vil, designed to offer subscribers in Argentina access to DIRECTV services from their smartphones and tablets, including BlackBerry smartphones – with operating system 5.0 and above – and BlackBerry PlayBook tablets. The latest release of DIRECTV Mà ³vil also runs on BlackBerry PlayBook tablets, allowing users to record their favorite TV shows even when away from home, browse through movies and view trailers. 2.3. ETHICAL BUSINESS BlackBerry has programs which present several opportunities to support communities through fundraising drives and volunteering. BlackBerry donated to 294 organizations around the world. 3. REASONS WHY BLACKBERRY DECLINED IN THE MARKET Laying Off employees due to financial problems of the company New Competition Bad Application of marketing 3.1 – EMPLOYEES The Canadian company â€Å"Research In Motion†(RIM), will eliminate 2,000 employees worldwide, which is more than 10% of total workers, to cut costs. RIM has suffered a loss in the market due to competition from Apple and Google’s Android system. Between February and May this year, the BlackBerry market share fell by 24.7% as opposed to Android and iPhone which grew by 5% and 27%. 3.2. COMPETITION: The primary competitors of the BlackBerry are the Android and the Apple iPhone. For a number of years, the BlackBerry was the leading Smartphone in many markets, particularly the United States. The arrival of the Apple iPhone and the Google’s Android platform, caused a slowdown in BlackBerry growth and a decline in sales in some markets, most notably the United States. This has led to negative media and analyst sentiment over the company’s ability to continue as an independent company. BlackBerry has managed to maintain significant positions in many markets, strengthened by a large user base, cost effective phones and plans, and a growing smartphone market globally. 4. SOLUTIONS 4.1 – BLACKBERRY SOLUTION Blackberry 10 is the solution to RIM’s declining market share, turning the company around to once again become a player of significance in the smartphone market. The main characteristics of the BlackBerry 10: You can access everything by means of a swipe. It enables the smooth transitioning between apps, without having to leave an app entirely. BlackBerry Hub displays all of your communication (mails, messages, tweets, linked-in updates, and so on). When you’re in an app, you can access all of the options of that app by moving your hand top to bottom, again starting outside of the screen. 4.2. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: They should also consider partnering with other companies Make a better marketing of the new products Motivate employees to internal customer loyalty Enter to the market with a new name and with a better product
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Chemistry lab on saturated and unsaturated fats Essay
This experiment has also been trialled using KMnO4(aq) (0.0005 mol dm ) as the indicator. This turns from purple to colourless while unsaturation is still present. The procedure is the same as for bromine water, but portions of the potassium permanganate are added with swirling until the mixture fails to produce a colourless solution. The mixture requires more and more swirling as the amount of potassium permanganate increases. Warming fats in the Volasil using a beaker of hot water helps the fat dissolve and also speeds up the reaction. see more:chemistry matriculation This experiment should be done in a fume-cupboard with ready filled burettes. Background theory Saturation and unsaturation. Classic chemistry experiments 21 Safety Wear eye protection. Answers 1. Depends on what is supplied. 2. Weighing the fats and oils and calculating the exact amount of bromine water used per mole. 3. Unsaturated compounds contain double covalent bonds. Classic chemistry experiments Unsaturation in fats and oils Introduction Advertisements often refer to unsaturated fats and oils. This experiment gives a comparison of unsaturation in various oils. Burette containing bromine water Conical flask Oil and Volasil White tile What to record Volume of bromine water required for each oil. What to do 1. Using a teat pipette, add five drops of olive oil to 5 cm of Volasil in a conical flask. –3 2. Use a burette filled with a dilute solution of bromine water (0.02 mol dm ) (Harmful and irritant). Read the burette. 3. Run the bromine water slowly into the oil solution. Shake vigorously after each addition. The yellow colour of bromine disappears as bromine reacts with the oil. Continue adding bromine water to produce a permanent yellow colour. 4. Read the burette. Subtract to find the volume of bromine water needed in the titration. 5. Repeat the experiment with: five drops of cooking oil (vegetable) and five drops of cooking oil (animal). Safety Wear eye protection. Questions 1. Which sample is the most saturated and which is the most unsaturated? 2. This comparison is only approximate. How could the method be improved? 3. What does unsaturated mean?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Measuring The Heat Of Two Solutions Essays
Measuring The Heat Of Two Solutions Essays Measuring The Heat Of Two Solutions Essay Measuring The Heat Of Two Solutions Essay Introduction: Chemical and Physical changes involve heat energy. When heat energy is absorbed the change is called endothermic while the release of heat energy is called exothermic. Aim: To dissolve Calcium Chloride and Potassium Nitrate in water while finding the heat of both solutions. Equipment: No more than 12g of Calcium Chloride No more than 12g of Calcium Chloride 2 large cups (preferred polystyrene cups) Electronic balance 100ml measuring cylinder Thermometer Distilled Water Method: 1) Calculate the mass of 0.1 mol of Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) and Potassium Nitrate (KNO3). Ca=40.08 Cl=35.45 K=39.10 N=14.01 O=16.00 Answer: CaCl2= (40.08)+(35.45*2) 1 mole = 110.98. Divide by 10 to get 0.1 mol= 11.098. KNO3=(39.10)+(14.01)+(16.00*3) 1 mole = 101.11. Divide by 10 to get 0.1 mol=10.11. 2) Place the large cup on the balance then add the calculated mass of one substance into the cup. (The calculated mass doesnt have to be exactly 0.1 mol but try to get close). Record in results table. Do the same for other substance using the other large cup. 3) Add exactly 100ml of the distilled water to the measuring cylinder and record its temperature. 4) Add the water to the large cup and stir with the thermometer until substance has dissolved. Record temperature. 5) Clean and dry large cups and repeat process for both substances and put in results table. Results: Results table (numbers that are in the table are my results) Potassium Nitrate Calcium Chloride Mass of solid dissolved 10.12 11.15 Mass of 100ml of water 100g 100g Initial Temp (C) 12C 12C Final Temperature (C) 5C 27C Temperature change 7C 15C 2nd Measurements Mass of solid dissolved 10.09 11.11 Mass of 100ml of water 100g 100g Initial Temp (C) 12C 13C Final Temperature (C) 3 1/2 C 27C Temperature change 8 1/2 C 14C 3rd Measurements Mass of solid dissolved 10.15 11.09 Mass of 100ml of water 100g 100g Initial Temp (C) 12C 12C Final Temperature (C) 5C 27C Temperature change 7C 15C Results (Calculations): 1) Calculate the heat absorbed or released for each substance, in Joules and kilojoules using the formula: Heat energy= mass of water * specific heat capacity * temperature change. (Note that the specific heat capacity for water is 4.2Jg-1 K-1) Answer for my results: KNO3= 1st results=100*4.2*7=2940J=2.94KJ 2nd results= 100*4.2*8.5=3570J=3.57KJ 3rd results= 100*4.2*7=2940J=2.94J CaCl2= 1st results= 100*4.2*15=6300J=6.3KJ 2nd results= 100*4.2*14=5880J=5.88KJ 3rd results=100*4.2*15=6300J=6.3KJ 2) Find out the number of moles of each of the substances with both substances. Answer: KNO3 (1) 10.12/101.11=0.10008 mole. (2) 10.09/101.11=0.09979 mole (3) 10.15/101.11=0.10038 mole CaCl2 (1) 11.15/110.98=0.10046 mole (2) 11.11/110.98=0.10010 mole (3) 11.09/110.98=0.09992 mole 3) Calculate the molar heat of the solutions for both measurements (hint: Divide the heat energy calculated by the number of moles) Answer: KNO3= (1) 2.94/0.10008=+29.37KJ/mol (2) 3.57/0.09979=+35.77 KJ/mol (3) 2.94/0.10038=+29.28KJ/mol CaCl2= (1) 6.3/0.10046=-62.71KJ/mol (2) 5.88/0.10010=-58.74KJ/mol (3) 6.3/0.09992=-63.05KJ/mol Discussion: 1) What are the potential hazards and what are the appropriated measures to minimise risk? Make sure that when using a thermometer that you dont stir in a glass container because thermometers are very fragile and it could break inside the glass container. Use polystyrene cups to prevent the thermometer from breaking. Make sure that you are using safety goggles when dealing with substances as some substances can go into your eye and burn it. For Potassium nitrate: Inhalation: Causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath. Ingestion: Causes irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause gastroenteritis and abdominal pains. Purging and diuresis can be expected. Rare cases of nitrates being converted to the more toxic nitrites have been reported, mostly with infants. Skin Contact: Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and pain. Eye Contact: Causes irritation, redness, and pain. Chronic Exposure: Under some circumstances methemoglobinemia occurs in individuals when the nitrate is converted by bacteria in the stomach to nitrite. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, rapid heart beat, irregular breathing, convulsions, coma, and death can occur should this conversion take place. Chronic exposure to nitrites may cause anemia and adverse effects to kidney. Potential Hazards for Calcium Chloride: Inhalation: Granular material does not pose a significant inhalation hazard, but inhalation of dust may cause irritation to the respiratory tract, with symptoms of coughing and shortness of breath. Ingestion: Low toxicity material but ingestion may cause serious irritation of the mucous membrane due to heat of hydrolysis. Large amounts can cause gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, abdominal pain. Skin Contact: Solid may cause mild irritation on dry skin; strong solutions or solid in contact with moist skin may cause severe irritation, even burns. Eye Contact: Hazard may be either mechanical abrasion or, more serious, burns from heat of hydrolysis and chloride irritation. 2) The real values for KNO3 and CaCl2 are: KNO3=+34.7KJ/mol CaCl2= -90.8KJ/mol Compare these to your results and explain why your results might not be accurate. Also comment on the error of the experiment? Answer: KNO3=(1)= +29.37KJ/mol (2) +35.77 KJ/mol (3) +29.28KJ/mol CaCl2= (1) -62.71KJ/mol (2) -58.74KJ/mol (3) -63.05KJ/mol Answer for my results: My results werent accurate because I could have used a different chemical compound jar, which makes it more inaccurate. The other jar could have moister which could affect the temperature change. Another error in this experiment is that Potassium nitrate doesnt dissolve properly. It will mean that it might not reach its peak temperature. We also didnt use distilled water, which might cause error. The experiment wasnt insulated enough so there was temperature loss. Another thing is that our measuring instruments and volume instruments werent that accurate. Another error is that we might of not measured the exact temperature reading. 3) What-dissolving compound was endothermic? Answer: KNO3 Conclusion: That Potassium Nitrate is an endothermic reaction while calcium chloride is an exothermic reaction.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Break and Conquer Your Worst Work Habits
How to Break and Conquer Your Worst Work Habits Bad habits. Everyone has at least one. Staying up too late, eating packaged ramen too often, or canceling plans at the last minute- everyone is guilty of a self or social faux pas, probably regularly. It stands to reason that if no one is perfect in his or her personal life, that same person has some flaws in their professional life as well. However, while personal idiosyncrasies might just cause eye rolls from significant others or minor disagreements with friends, bad habits at work can lead to dings in your professional reputation, or even damage to your career progress. Let’s look at some of the most problematic habits that people tend to develop at work, potentially endangering everything from productivity to the job itself, and strategies for overcoming them.Chronic LatenessIt was the subway. Traffic. A freak earthquake. Whatever the reason was today, it doesn’t change the fact that you were late. Everyone has commute issues sometimes, but regular lateness is a problem. It suggests you don’t have the discipline to show up on time, or that you don’t care enough to be on time (even if that’s not the case).The solution: Adjust your routine. If you hit your snooze button three times, set your original alarm earlier. If your daily Starbucks stop makes you late, either bring your coffee or adjust your schedule. Look at your daily routines, and identify what you can change, and what you can move around to make sure getting to work on time is your priority.ProcrastinationYou may be able to get everything done at the last minute (flashbacks to writing those final papers at 4 a.m. the night before they were due), but if you do that at work regularly, you could be impacting your coworkers. If someone’s waiting on you to do something, and you wait until the last second to do it/send it, you’re putting that person at a disadvantage. Again, stuff happens, but if this becomes a pattern, it undermines your colleaguesâ⠂¬â„¢ trust in you and your ability to work toward shared goals.The solution: Set timelines, with check-in points and smaller goals throughout, so that you’re not doing everything at once at the end, in a panic.Lyingâ€Å"I never got that email!†â€Å"Oh, I thought Smith was supposed to be handling that?†Or there are more serious ones, like throwing someone else under the bus when a problem or mistake was your fault. Whatever the lies are (little white lies or more serious ones), they can have major consequences for your job and your career. At the very least, you don’t want a reputation as a liar. At worst, you could be severely disciplined or fired for lying.The solution: Be honest. If you didn’t get something done on time, own up to that, as well as why, and what you’re doing to make sure it gets done. If you made a mistake, admit it and come up with a plan on how to avoid that next time.Being Openly NegativeThere’s honesty, and then there’s being Debbie Downer. If you’re always griping and sniping, you risk getting a reputation as someone who’s difficult to work with.The solution: Find the positive. Sometimes things will just suck. In times like those, don’t start venting to the nearest coworker, or sit at your desk muttering curses under your breath. You can vent outside work to loved ones, your dog, your therapist- anyone who’s not on the job with you.Talking SmackThis one is related to being negative. If your coworkers think you’re just going to say nasty things about them behind their backs because you never have anything nice to say, why would they trust you?The solution: Resist your inner Mean Girl (and that goes for non-girls as well), and don’t say anything about anyone that you wouldn’t want repeated to their face. In email or office instant messaging, don’t write anything you wouldn’t want broadcasted to the entire company.Chro nic MultitaskingOn its face, this one seems like it would be a good thing- you’re such an efficient employee that you’re doing four things at once! However, it means you’re doing four things at once, and are giving each one a quarter (or less) of your attention. This is especially problematic if you’re multitasking while talking or meeting with others. They can tell you’re not really paying attention, and if you miss a necessary detail because you’re too busy replying to an email while talking to your coworker, that can have consequences.The solution: Set aside specific times for specific tasks, especially ones that require in-person conversations or face time.Losing Your TemperBeing professional means handling disappointments or problems with a degree of calm. If you yell, scream, or otherwise show rage at work, that can very quickly earn you a reputation as a hothead that no one wants to deal with, for fear of risking the Red Rage. Temper tantrums are never acceptable for adults in a work environment, no matter how calm and productive you feel after you’ve unburdened yourself and the rage has subsided.The solution: Find ways to channel that anger into temporary zen, so you can move on with your day and deal with the anger later, in a more appropriate way out of work. Try learning some meditation techniques that you can reach for when you feel the anger bubbling up in your brain.Lousy CommunicationIf you have poor grammar or bad email etiquette, it undermines how people see you. People may think you’re uneducated, less intelligent than you are, or uncaring about how you come off to others.The solution: If written communication is a weak point, brush up on some of the most common grammar issues you’re likely to encounter in a professional environment. If appropriateness is your issue, make sure not to use swears or slang at work.LazinessIf you’re shifting (or shirking) responsibilities becau se you don’t want the aggravation or want something easier while someone else does the heavy lifting, people notice. They’ll either think you’re incapable of accomplishing tasks, or that you just don’t care.The solution: Make the effort to go above and beyond. Offer to help people with tasks (assuming you’re not ignoring your own in the meantime). Take initiative to develop new responsibilities, and/or talk to your boss to see what else you can be doing to expand your role.Being Inconsiderate of OthersThis one is especially problematic in crowded or open plan workplaces. My office has an open plan sea of cubicles, and that makes it a minefield for poor or obnoxious office behavior. Things like being loud, eating strong-smelling food, or leaving messes everywhere you go fall into this category. Will you get fired for this kind of transgression? Not likely. Will it make your colleagues like you less and damage your rep? Quite possibly.The solution: W henever you find yourself having a phone conversation in a public place, ask yourself, â€Å"would this annoy me?†In fact, â€Å"would this annoy me?†is a good rule of thumb in general. It’s important to keep in mind that work behavior is public behavior.Not Being a Good Team MemberChances are you don’t work in a vacuum, and work as part of a team in some capacity. If you shun others as much as possible, and try to handle everything without input from others, that makes it easy to dismiss your contributions. It also amplifies any problems or mistakes- if you plow ahead on your own without input from other stakeholders, that puts the onus on you to succeed, or else.The solution: Go out of your way to initiate conversations with coworkers, whether it’s social (work appropriate) small talk or related to specific work responsibilities. If a task or project has a number of people involved, go out of your way to ask for their input, or at least make su re they know what you’re working on.Over-promisingLike the hypermultitasking, this one likely comes from a desire to be a good, productive employee. But if you say you are going to get something done at a certain time, you need to make good on your promises. If you don’t, then it undermines your reliability and trustworthiness- two of the most important workplace currencies.The solution: Set realistic priorities. If you originally said something could be done by Tuesday but now it’s looking like there’s no way it’ll be done by Thursday, be up front about that. If you’re struggling with something and it’s slowing you down, talk with your boss to prioritize tasks so you can manage expectations. If you need help, ask for it. Better organization and planning up front can also help you set more realistic timelines and help ensure that you get done what you say you’re going to do.If any of these sound uncomfortably familiar to you (I ’m definitely guilty of at least one of these), all is not lost- you’re not automatically going to end up fired and shunned for your sins. Like Ebenezer Scrooge after his revelation, it’s not too late. You can still change that future!Be conscious of what you’re doing wrong. A little extra mindfulness goes a long way.Be adaptable/open to change. According to career coach and consultant Lisa Lahey, â€Å"immunity to change†is a sure way to ensure that your bad habits don’t improve (best case scenario) or end up derailing your goals and career (worst case scenario).Understand how your bad work habits are sabotaging you. If your bad habit is your temper, which of your goals could you achieve faster/better if you didn’t fly off the handle? If you’re always late, what are the consequences? If you don’t have a handle on how your bad habits are actually affecting your job, it will be very difficult to clean them up and start t urning them around.Identifying these bad work habits is a great first step; making sure that you’re actively working on them (or at least minimizing them) is harder, but is the more rewarding task. None of us will ever be perfect, at home or at work, but the more work you put into overcoming these bad habits now, the better your professional rep and job satisfaction will be in the long run.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Bbus leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bbus leadership - Essay Example Some of the CSR initiatives which are undertaken by majority of the companies are donation to charities, implementation of carbon emission controlled processes, sponsorships of awards, philanthropic actions, business code of conduct, cause associated marketing, eco-efficiency and many more (Hansen, 34). With the advent of time, the organizations have realized that they can compete effectively by allocating sufficient amount of resources in CSR activities. There are few companies who have initiated environmental reporting trend so that they can disclose information about the measures undertaken by them to highlight their eco-friendly projects (Philips, 12). For biotechnology companies, it is crucial to make it evident that the waste eliminated from their processes is disposed off in an appropriate manner and there are various measures undertaken to control the carbon emission content. Additionally, they are required to adhere to the waste recycling laws to comply with the ethical business code of conduct (Werther and David, 23). Monsanto is among the leading biotechnology companies which has the reputation of being a prevailing player in the commercial GE (Genetically engineered) crops. It has been the innovator and also the leader in the sustainable agriculture. The organization aggressively publicizes the implementation of its technology as the main driver of its goal attainment. It has done advertisement about some of its CSR activities such as conformance to the production of food in an adequate manner, efficient responsiveness to the global warming issue and controlling the negative effects of the agriculture on environment (Union of Concerned Scientists, 1-5). In reality, the company has been unsuccessful in creating an eco-friendly business as it has engaged its production processes in an array of anti-CSR activities. The eight vital constituents of the company’s business show that it is not playing an important role in the
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