Friday, September 4, 2020
The Globalization Of Youth Culture Cultural Studies Essay
The Globalization Of Youth Culture Cultural Studies Essay In their article The Glocalization of Youth Culture: The Global Youth Segment as Structures of Common Difference, Kjeldgaard and Askegaard give an examination of worldwide youth social utilization dependent on an exact investigation. In our advanced life, worldwide youngsters have a significant influence in the worldwide culture, and the high school culture on a worldwide scale mirrors an energetic way of life and influences the constitution of worldwide culture (Kjeldgaard and Askegaard, 2006). Thus, Kjeldgaard and Askegaards research has an uncommon hugeness for us to find out about the worldwide youth social utilization. From the article the reality can be likewise discovered that the youthful worth changes and leads the future pattern and design. Through the examination of the worldwide youth portion which may have basic contrast, perusers can have an away from of youth culture. In the article The Production and Consumption of Japanese Culture in The Global Culture Market, the writer shows an unequivocal procedure of the creation and utilization of culture, and presents the way that Japanese culture crosses national fringes and has significantly impacted the worldwide culture. During the time spent monetary globalization, nearby culture crosses limit and infiltrates into different countries. This procedure can be called social globalization (Golstein-Gidoni, 2005). In this article, culture is introduced before various individuals as an item, which is a methodology for perusers to comprehend the procedure of culture move in globalization. The creator centers around Japanese culture as a worldwide social creation to clarify the worldwide culture showcase. Then, both of the two articles show the way that in globalization, culture has noteworthy effect on people groups contemporary lifestyle. The exposition will remark the two articles from the accompanying four perspectives: the first is about material culture and commercialization forming people groups contemporary lifestyle; the subsequent one is on social and social portrayals proliferation; the third one for the most part investigates the creation and development of personalities through customer society and worldwide social industry; the last one talks about the social consequence of culture industry by tending to the connection between the purchaser and the commercial center. 2, Critical Review Material culture and utilization have a cozy relationship in the cutting edge world. Because of the extraordinary relationship, they influence and shape the cutting edge way of life. In the main article, the writer shows perusers various societies of youngsters by looking at the distinctions of youthful shoppers in Denmark and Greenland. Yong individuals build up their own way of life, and they seek after mold and have their own qualities. Youthful culture influences the way of life of youngsters. Youngsters advocate relentless life and seek after their own ways of life, since they are profoundly influenced by the youthful culture (Abrams, 1959). Albeit youthful societies on the planet have a few contrasts, they additionally have some normal grounds that affect youngsters and shape the way of life of youngsters. In the subsequent article, perusers can find out about the Japanese societies impact on the contemporary lifestyle. Shopper culture is a culture of life all things considered . The Japanese way of life is not the same as different nations by the effect of Japanese culture. Each nation has their own way of life, which can recognize them from the others. Couple to the distinctions of culture, individuals may have various ways of life. Distinctive social portrayals make diverse culture of their own, and distinctive culture can likewise frame diverse social portrayals. Youngsters structure their own way of life. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Coolà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾ is famous with youngsters, and they see the cool as a style. These days, à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Coolà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾ culture has become the mainstream society between youngsters. Culture shapes sex, inborn, and ethnic ways of life as a type of utilization. From one perspective, they have their own music tastes, dress styles, and media propensities, which recognize them from the others. Then again, youthful have become a social classification, which has been firmly identified with the improvement of modernization. Youthful culture speaks to the youngsters, and youngsters build up the youthful culture. Japanese culture crosses national outskirts, which leave a profound impact on the individuals of different nations (Featherstone, 1990). Since Japanese structure their very own special culture nation, Japanese culture can vary from culture of different nations. Gravity and energy are frequently perused in the Japanese culture, and they have become the unique images of Japanese. Shopper society and worldwide social industry influence the characters of various individuals. Individuals share the diverse culture and they have distinctive utilization in their day by day life. Purchaser society supplies a constructive and relentless condition for the youngsters, and youngsters have become a social class by the impact of buyer society and worldwide social industry (Thomas, 1997). The model of youngsters increase social essentialness in the right on time of this century, and the youthful buyers are absence of obligations. Therefore, the adolescent personality become unavoidable an image of relaxation and gluttonous utilization. With regards to social globalization, Japan has produced its own Japanese culture, which makes Japanese individuals unique in relation to individuals of different nations. Japanese culture has given Japanese individuals uncommon personalities that have a place with their own. Since post-World War II, youngsters have been viewed as an immense market fragment and the new mass mainstream society, so an ever increasing number of social consequences of culture industry are made by the market division. Advertising industry starts to take advantage of youthful by the driving of this social perspective. Accordingly, some new dawn enterprises enter the market and do the methodology of market division. Culture industry can produce a wide range of social repercussions, and youthful culture is no special case. Japanese culture forms into an uncommon culture industry by the system of sending out and bringing in (Theodore, 1989). In the long procedure of improvement, portrayals of Japanese culture are getting to an ever increasing extent, for example, Japanese workmanship, hand to hand fighting, ink painting, tea function, and some of them have become new businesses by tending to the connection between the purchaser and the commercial center. 3, end From the two articles some key subjects can be discovered that from one perspective, material culture and industrialism shape contemporary lifestyle, and culture has a great deal to do with the way of life of individuals. Then again, material culture, for example, youthful culture and Japanese culture can likewise create various ventures, which are all with regards to social globalization. Culture recognizes individuals from others. During the time spent social globalization, individuals should oppose the intrusion of undesirable culture and study brilliant culture, so as to accomplish their own turn of events.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Performance Appraisal System In Nokia
Execution Appraisal System In Nokia This report is focused on fundamentally dissecting the presentation evaluation and their vital ramifications in contemporary firms working in fierce and changing business condition, requiring important, uncommon and incomparable business procedures to accomplish practical upper hand. So as to accomplish the point of this report, the specialist has picked Nokia, the Finnish telecom monster that has been featured as the best media transmission organization to work for by Forbes International (Datamonitor, 2009). The organization is likewise among one of the biggest as far as market capitalisation inside Europe and in this way owes a lot to the Finnish national culture inside its administration, particularly human asset the board. Drawing upon Times (2005), the organization has its humble roots as one of the numerous ranger service firms a century prior in Finland; anyway it has advanced throughout the years through its successful human asset strategies to utilize in excess of 50,000 in dividuals over the globe with activities crossing all the created, rising and creating economies. It has been contended by Nokia (2009a) that individuals approaches have assumed a significant job in the ascent of the firm inside media transmission part that necessary serious extent of inventiveness and development by its representatives and workforce. The organization is among the couple of firms inside media transmission industry that has overall revenues in abundance of 20% to 25% for over 10 years, which have not been affected by the savage rivalry by different firms in contemporary firms (Nokia, 2009b). It can thusly be featured that scholarly capital has been one of the key wellspring of accomplishing these efficiencies and adequacy inside the business that have been converted into reasonable upper hand. Nokia Organizational Background: Nokia has held the authority position inside the worldwide portable handset part for over 10 years, which has anyway been tested at various focuses in time by a scope of different makers yet the organization has advanced its plan of action to adjust itself to the changing industry condition. Drawing upon Datamonitor (2009), the organization has expanded into related business in the wake of hardened rivalry from worth and extravagance fragments, in this way requiring both serious extent of separation and cost authority by the firm. The organization is at present effectively seeking after its situation inside media transmission gear, TV set-top boxes, and versatile communication programming and equipment improvement. In the light of Nokia (2009c), the organization has its underlying foundations like numerous other customary Finnish organizations inside ranger service in 1865, anyway the organization advanced throughout the decades and become one of the main players in portable innovation in 1960s. It is contended by Pollitt (2004) that the key changes inside methodology of the firm came in 1980s when senior administration become concentrated on creating scholarly capital and holding elite of the organization, which was combined with open contributions of the firm. The organization turned out to be a piece of the worldwide enterprises in the wake of beginning exchanging London (1987), Frankfurt (1988) and New York (1994). The organization has obtained various firms during its development and has deliberately aggregated the HR from these organizations, which has again profited by its exhibition examinations, pay-for-execution, and ability maintenance systems, which have been basically dissected in this report. Human Resource Strategy: Nokia has been featured by both scholarly and business writing as one of the associations that can be utilized for correlation and benchmarking because of the way that it is level organized and arranged over its worldwide tasks (Christopher, 1995). This structure of the firm has prompted the way that it is deft and adaptable to snatch any lucky opening that shows up inside the business condition of the firm. This structure has been lined up with the corporate procedure of the firm to accomplish wide market serious concentration inside the market that has basic separation upper hand regarding Porters Generic Strategies, which can be outlined as follows: Cost Leadership Separation Core interest Restricted Target Expansive Target Lower Cost Separation Upper hand Serious Scope Nokias Position on Porters Generic Strategies Adjusted from Porter (1985) Vital Core Vital Periphery * It very well may be contended that so as to accomplish the key point and targets of the firm to turn into a nimble and adaptable substance that can accomplish upper hand, the firm required a powerful human asset methodology that is in accordance with these changes. Drawing upon Briscoe Schuler (2004), there includes been radical change inside the HRM methodology of the organization after the arrangement of Mr. Jorma Ollila as the CEO of the firm in 1992, who started the compensation for-execution idea inside the organization. The way of thinking behind the pull together of the HRM methodology has been to make a pay system that in lined up with the exhibition and difficult work of representatives, in this way rousing workers to accomplish the key execution markers that are appointed to them. This was lined up with the Nokia Way, the estimations of the firm, which were characterized to fuse execution of workers as one of the key in accomplishing generally targets of the firm. It has be en contended by Nokia (2009d) that Nokia Way has been viewed as the regular paste that has held the HRM technique of the firm adjusting it to the business condition. There includes been huge conversation inside writing featuring the best fit methodology of the organization towards its holding ability through evaluations and pay that are compelling and proficient. Execution Management and Nokia: The Nokia Way has been featured inside the writing as one of the key reports solidifying the HRM procedure of Nokia and it is this record has featured maintenance of superior workers. Drawing upon Stanley et al (2000), it very well may be contended that the report is the same as HRM strategies introduced by numerous different associations; anyway the manner by which it is prepared on everyday exercises has been featured as the key bit of leeway of the firm. Drawing upon Nokia (2009a), execution of people working inside Nokia is embraced from a scope of measurements, yet three of them are viewed as significant, which include: (a) general consumer loyalty included by the individual; (b) regard for others inside the group; and (c) accomplishments of people and their consistent learning. The writing has featured that there has been number of issues inside administration of execution of people and their evaluations inside organizations. Drawing upon Rutter (2002), inside Nokia directors and representatives have been given serious extent of autonomy in forming the measurements into quantifiable objectives, points and destinations, which can thusly be identified with the general execution of their group, division and the association. This has been a result of the activity of the organization to keep entrepreneurism alive inside the firm, where the emphasis is on completing things as opposed to follow prescriptive advances and strategies. As indicated by Lynn (2002), these qualities of execution evaluation have been accomplished through a scope of in-house programs, which include: tuning in to you, putting resources into you and pay-for-execution. The point of these projects can be believed to be lined up with the general business methodology of accomplishing serious extent of proficiency and adequacy of the business, which would in this manner help make an incentive for the partners. Erik Jonathan (1995) have contended that every one of these projects are an unfortunate chore for example to build up a coordinated arrangement of execution objectives setting, improvement of techniques to accomplish these objectives, and evaluation of the general execution. It ought to be noticed that all together for the consistent progression of execution the board between these various projects, the way of life of the organization assumes a significant job. This is the explanation that the organization has built up a group orientated inside serious culture, which discourages negative ramifications of the opposition, anyway featuring the positive parts of it to accomplish vital objectives and qualities. The exhibition the board of the firm likewise has been ventured into different rules of HRM, which can be featured from the decent variety the executives inside the firm. Drawing upon Briscoe Schuler (2004), it tends to be contended that the business condition of the organization features that there is high number of assorted variety inside the requests of the clients over the national markets. So as to satisfy these requests, the organization should emulate the business condition in its inside business condition, making its assets and abilities lined up with it. This as indicated by Nokia (2009d) can be accomplished through the decent variety the board and arranging of the firm that require execution evaluations to incorporate highlights and measurement of assorted variety of reasoning. There are number of attributes that have been featured inside the writing encompassing execution the executives as far as assorted variety incorporation and the board. Be that as it may, Rutter (2002 ) has featured that it ought to be accomplished at item, useful and social level, in this way giving the bearing to organizations to utilize and remember for their exhibition the executives. The presentation examinations likewise need to incorporate the accomplishment of people inside corporate social obligation (CSR) region, which has gotten one of the key rules for execution at corporate level. Drawing upon Nokia (2009a), in 2009 the organization has featured that decreasing its carbon impression and making representatives to chip in for instructive divisions in creating nations would be incorporated into the exhibition evaluations of the workers. This would help the firm in accomplishing serious extent of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Buddhism and Hinduism Ethical Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Buddhism and Hinduism Ethical Systems - Essay Example Buddhism and Hinduism Ethical Systems Examination introduced in this paper is useful in understanding the Hinduism and Buddhism religions moral frameworks concerning their likenesses and contrasts. On an expansive front, correlations and differentiations between the Buddhism moral frameworks has been introduced to demonstrate how the religions has utilized their religion to reveal their otherworldly world, just as their day by day rehearses. On the comparative record, the paper centers around the subject of moral framework standards and rule to investigate over all the five widespread codes, conjugal good ethic just as connections morals. Hinduism and Buddhism strict, moral frameworks reveal the otherworldly significance to the peoples’ lives. For instance, strict qualities are utilized emotionally by the related individuals to give a typical decent, take care of a social issue, just as fulfilling life, or making life commendable. Buddhism moral qualities are midway founded on the edification of Buddha and his devotees. In this manner, the Buddhism moral framework just follows the Buddhist sacred writings that fill in as a rule in forming the people’s lives. The Buddhism moral standards and practices act in a manner that forestalls mischief to the individuals by helping the individuals to travel through life. In examination, Hinduism moral frameworks are for the most part close to home or emotionally planned. In this way, Hinduism moral frameworks are just purposed to boost the people’s most noteworthy goodness and individual qualities.
Pojmans View on Merit Essay -- Philosophy, ethics
In this paper, I will endeavor to expound on circumstances where activities have a fitting reaction to deeds performed. It is my comprehension of Pojman's perspective on which I concur, that Each activity known to man has a fitting reaction (Pojman, 1999, p. 96). I additionally concur that Malevolent deeds must be trailed by underhanded results and great deeds by great results (Pojman, 1999, p. 96). Take for example on the off chance that you submit murder, I feel that you ought to be killed. Indeed, I realize a few people may contend this reality however simply consider the lamenting group of the individual who is not, at this point alive, they are in torment and they endure while the individual who submitted murder is as yet alive. This is the reason I feel the person who perpetrated the wrongdoing ought to be brutally rebuffed, That individual didn't think about the hurt that it would cause there family or friends and family so thusly the person who did the wrongdoing ought to be killed too. Presently I realize this will currently make two lamenting families yet again think about the primary family nearby. I feel simply placing the individual in prison isn't sufficient in light of the fact that they are as yet living, mean while the other individual didn't get an opportunity and is currently dead. I likewise feel for what reason should we as residents pay for a killer to be alive in prison and ready to remain alive sitting in front of the TV when the other individual c an't do anything. Indeed this is remorseless discipline however again it is likewise similarly as unfeeling to submit murder with out lawful and worthy motivation. Here are a couple of more instances of Evil and Punishment: Assault: In the event that an individual assaults someone else, state it is a male doing the demonstration then I feel it ought to be a serious discipline. The discipline ought to be mutilation of the penis. This type of discipline would keep the individual from doing such act again and not permit at that point to have... ...hello served for us and our/their nation and they gave a valiant effort. It ought not make any difference on the off chance that they were harmed or not and it ought not make any difference on the off chance that they just served 4 years or less, No issue what they ought to get benefits. I feel a decent method of indicating our men and lady thankfulness is to assist them with saying a marriage happens I feel the military should assist with at any rate half, and if the individual bites the dust they should pay for the whole burial service. To me that truly would demonstrate gratefulness to them for what hello did. Any individual who serves ought to be perceived and remunerated with respect to what they did they accomplished for us and their nation and they didn't need to do it by any stretch of the imagination. Taking everything into account truly, I would concur with Pojman we do merit what get rather it be acceptable or fiendish/terrible. Works Cited Pojman, Louis P. Morals: Discovering Right and Wrong. fifth version. Thomson Nelson. Toronto: 2005.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Huck Finn :: essays research papers
Huck Finn Huck has an inauspicious demeanor toward individuals he can't help contradicting or doesnt get alongside. Huck will in general distance himself from those individuals. He doesnt let it trouble him. Not at all like a great many people Huck doesnt attempt to come to his meaningful conclusion. At the point when Huck has a specific attitude toward things he keep his view. He won't transform it for anybody. For example in Chapter Three when Miss Watson reveals to Huck that in the event that he implored he would get all that he wanted. Huck just shook his head yes and left disclosing to Tom that it doesnt work since he has attempted it before with angling line and angling snares. this reveal to us that Huck is a free individual who doesnt need to depend on others. This is a book of social analysis. Twain has his methods of condemning individuals of their activities and the things they do. Twain works superbly communicating the characters social behaivors. Rather than forthright creation fun of Masses activities he implies towards them or attempts to commend them when he does something that is socially off-base or unintelligent. Huck arranges his demise. This is certainly not a genuine brilliant activity despite the fact that Huck's dad is genuine mean and is a risk to his life and Huck's life. Huck needs to escape from him so terrible that the main thing that comes into his brain is to arrange his passing so Pap will think he's dead and won't be searching for him until the end of time. Twain feels that by making Huck do this Twain is jabbing fun a Huck's insight. Not his tendency knowledge however his book insight. As such Twain is ridiculing Huck. Twain likewise depicts Huck and Jim as dumb when Huck spruces up like a young lady. Everybody realizes Huck won't go as a young lady Jim is particularly similar to a dad to Huck. He pays special mind to Huck and he is regarded and viewed by Huck. This is additionally increasingly huge on the grounds that Huckleberry Finn never had a dad and he never truly had a good example. Jim fills this need consummately. On one event Huck and Jim were investigating an old house that had drifted down stream. While they were glancing in it Jim found a dead body.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Coping With Treatment-Resistant OCD
Coping With Treatment-Resistant OCD OCD Treatment Print Coping with Treatment-Resistant OCD By Owen Kelly, PhD Updated on June 18, 2018 Ned Frisk/Getty Images More in OCD Treatment Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Types Living With OCD Related Conditions Although there are many effective treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder, up to a third of people with OCD have what is called treatment-resistant OCD, which means they do not respond to standard treatments like medication and psychotherapy. If you or a loved one are dealing with treatment-resistant OCD, here are some options to consider, along with links to more information. Explore Reasons Your Medication May Not Be Working Although there are many FDA-approved medications available for the treatment of OCD, medications dont seem to be effective for one-third of people’s OCD symptoms. This can happen because of genetics, body chemistry, other medications youre on, skipping doses, as well as whether or not you use alcohol and/or drugs. Sometimes, it can take a lot of time and experimenting with dosage and medication types to find the right one for you. Consider Augmentation Treatment Strategies Augmentation therapy treats OCD symptoms with more than one medication. This strategy improves the odds of relieving symptoms by using combinations of drugs, rather than a single drug. Augmentation antidepressant treatment may be helpful for people who do not achieve remission with just one medication. Adding antipsychotic drugs to an antidepressant is one way of augmenting treatment that has been shown to be effective. Explore Reasons Psychotherapy May Not Be Helping Although psychological treatments have come to the forefront in the treatment of OCD, they are not always effective. There are multiple reasons why psychotherapy for OCD may not be working for you, including not being ready for therapy, receiving the wrong type of therapy for OCD, an insufficient relationship with your therapist, lacking social support, financial difficulties and not having the social or family support you need. Investigate Intensive Treatment Programs While there are many effective medical and psychological treatments available for OCD, not all treatments work for everybody. Unfortunately, for some people, nothing seems to be effective. This has led to the development of a number of intensive residential OCD treatment programs. Consider Taking Part in a Clinical Trial Clinical trials often offer free, cutting-edge treatments that are not yet widely available to the public that can be helpful for treatment-resistant OCD. A clinical trial can also help you understand your disorder better while serving to help others with OCD receive more effective treatments in the future. Explore Psychosurgery and Deep Brain Stimulation A very small minority of individuals with OCD have symptoms severe enough to consider brain surgery. Surgical procedures for OCD involve inactivating certain brain regions that are responsible for the symptoms associated with OCD. In most cases, approximately 50% to 70% of people who have these procedures see a significant improvement in symptoms. One of these neurosurgical procedures is deep brain stimulation, which appears promising, although it is still in the experimental stage and often considered a last resort.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The Theme of Daoism in Li Bai’s Poetry
Li Bai’s Poetry Introduction Li Bai was one of the most extraordinary representatives of Chinese literature. His works are controversial to many people, though some of his poems are considered the greatest heritage of the Tang Dynasty period in poetry. He is one of the most respectful poets of his time, even though he used to go beyond the limits of usual life and poetry itself. His oeuvre is full of traditional elements of Daoism and many survived works can prove this fact.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
History of Baseball - Alexander Cartwright
Americans began playing baseball on informal teams, using local rules, in the early 1800s. By the 1860s, the sport, unrivaled in popularity, was being described as Americas national pastime. Alexander Cartwright Alexander Cartwright (1820-1892) of New York invented the modern baseball field in 1845. Alexander Cartwright and the members of his New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club devised the first rules and regulations that were accepted for the modern game of baseball. Rounders Baseball was based on the English game of rounders. Rounders become popular in the United States in the early 19th century, where the game was called town ball, base, or baseball. Alexander Cartwright formalized the modern rules of baseball. Yes, others were making their own versions of the game at the time, however, the Knickerbockers style of the game was the one that became the most popular. History of Baseball - Knickerbockers The first recorded baseball game was held in 1846 when Alexander Cartwrights Knickerbockers lost to the New York Baseball Club. The game was held at the Elysian Fields, in Hoboken, New Jersey. In 1858, the National Association of Base Ball Players, the first organized baseball league was formed. History of Baseball Trivia 1845: Alexander Cartwright published a set of baseball rules for the Knickerbocker Club of New York, and his rules were widely adopted.1869: The Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first openly-salaried team and are thus considered the first professional team.1871: The first professional baseball league, the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players, was established.1876: The first major league, the National League, was formed.1878: Frederick Winthrop Thayer of Massachusetts (captain of the Harvard University Baseball Club) received a patent for a baseball catchers mask on February 12.
Monday, May 18, 2020
One of the studies I found talked about how men and women...
One of the studies I found talked about how men and women differ in confronting their significant other about extra-partner affairs. The author of this study, Barry X. Khule, had trained undergraduate students watch and code fifty-one episodes of the reality television show Cheaters (Khule, 2011). Individuals who believed they were being cheated on called the show and asked that the Cheater’s Detective Agency (CDA) follow their significant other around for weeks. Then, the CDA provided the victim with video surveillance footage to show whether or not their significant other had actually been cheating on them. The show then gave the victim a chance to confront the cheating mate. The confrontation was also videotaped as part of the show†¦show more content†¦Men are believed to have evolved an adaptation for jealousy because if a man’s significant other was unfaithful, it reduced the man’s chances of reproducing and passing along his genes to the next gener ation. On the other hand, women are believed to have evolved an adaptation for jealousy because if a woman’s significant other was unfaithful, she would lose her source of resources, protection, and attention (Buss Haselton, 2005). This article also states that men find it harder to forgive a sexual infidelity and women find it harder to forgive an emotional infidelity. Evolutionary psychologists believe that women are drawn to men based on their resources (e.g. money, family, health) and that men are drawn to women based on their physical appearance (e.g. body shape, size, facial attractiveness). When men feel as though they are in jeopardy of infidelity, they engage in what the authors of the article call â€Å"jealous mate-guarding†, especially during their woman’s time of ovulation each month. When women feel that their â€Å"resource-endowed†man may be more attracted to another woman, they also engage in jealous mate-guarding (Buss Haselton, 2005). In my opinion, jealousy can be a big problem, but it doesn’t have to be. It all depends on the couple and how compatible they are with each other. A little jealousy can be a good thing; it means that people care about each ot her and are afraid to lose one another. However, there is a point whereShow MoreRelatedEnvy, Jealousy, And Jealousy1343 Words  | 6 Pagessickness, but some people say that is a motivation to be better. Although envy and jealousy are similar, but they are two different things according to studies. Although envy and jealousy are often treated as synonyms but there is a difference. You are envious of what others have but what you do not. Jealousy, on the other hand, involves holding tight on what you have; afraid of losing (Brians). Envy and jealousy are similar, but they have the different meaning in term of emotion. The emotion whenRead MoreBehavioral Jealousy872 Words  | 4 PagesBehavioral jealousy are actions that occur between an individual who is experiencing envious thoughts and how they internalize and react to the stimuli. Pfeiffer and Wong (1989) â€Å"conceptualize jealous behaviors as the detective/protective measures a person takes when relationship rivals (real or imaginary) are perceived. Detective actions include questioning, checking up on the partner, and searching the partner’s belongings†(p.183). Research suggests that behavioral jealousy is used to maintainRead MoreOthello- Jealousy1814 Words  | 8 PagesJealousy, â€Å"the green-e yed monster†Shakespeare is consistent in his use of repeated themes throughout his works, particularly those of love, death, and betrayal. Shakespeare repeats these themes to set the mood through his works. It is important for Shakespeare to be consistent with his themes, or the plays would lose their meaning and mood. All of these themes are present in Othello, but the most dominant is the theme of jealousy, which presents itself multiple times throughout the play. We seeRead MoreEssay on Jealousy in Othello1076 Words  | 5 Pagesothers, begins to take advantage of those around him, and does not relent on anyone who gets in his way to gain what he craves most: power. First, jealously stems from Iago’s own craving for what others have and he lacks. Iago is a man who uses jealousy against those around him; however, this jealously seems to be what fuels his own loathing in the first place. Iago’s jealously is first shown at the beginning of the play when he is speaking with Roderigo about the Moor. He says: Despise me Read MoreJealousy, By William Shakespeare2097 Words  | 9 Pagesthree of my chosen texts is jealousy, It is presented in many different ways ranging from sexual and romantic jealousy to professional jealousy of someone of a higher rank or social standing. In every example jealousy is portrayed as being the main cause of self destruction of the characters it afflicts. Othello is driven to madness by his jealousy and this culminates in the murder of his wife, Ferdinand loses his sanity and murders his sister because of his intense jealousy over her lover and his desireRead MoreIago’s Jealousy Essay915 Words  | 4 PagesIago’s Jealousy In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, good is often confronted by evil, in which almost every case is in the form of jealousy. Iago, the plays antagonist, is a very manipulative villain. Iago uses his own agony and distress brought upon him by his envy of others, to provoke the same agony within the characters in the play. Jealousy’s ability are shown to influence people to new ends and make all humanistic judgment disappear leaving that man a monster torn apart by envy. Jealousy’sRead MoreEssay About Jealousy782 Words  | 4 Pageshaystack. It’s lost in a boundless sea of nothing. You can’t laugh and have fun. You find joy in hanging with your friends or family because jealousy is reminding you how easy life may be for them, or how much more fun they seem to be having then you. Jealousy not only develops from a significant other but also from your parents or friends. With parents, jealousy arises from one sibling gets more attention than the other. It’s as if you start to feel like your parents don’t love you enough to put inRead MoreJealousy, Love, And Death964 Words  | 4 PagesOthello. However, the most dynamic of themes in this play is jealousy. White describes jealousy as a â€Å"complex of thoughts, feelings, and actions which follow threats to self-esteem and/or threats to the existence or quality of a relationship†(qtd in UK essays par 1). Two types of jealousy are presented to the audience in Othello; the kind of jealousy that is fear of losing what one has, and the kind that is envious of what others have. Jealousy is a prevalent theme in Othello; it is rooted by love andRead MoreJealousy In Othello Essay758 Words  | 4 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the Moorish general in the Italian army, Oth ello, tragically downfalls due to jealousy. Othello has recently married Desdemona, and Iago being jealous that Cassio, the local drunk, got offered the position of lieutenant over himself, decides to disrupt Othello and Desdemona’s new marriage. Iago’s plan includes getting Cassio drunk and in a fight, so that Othello will not want him as lieutenant anymore. Then Iago will convince Cassio to go to Desdemona, soRead MoreJealousy and Race in Othello 1430 Words  | 6 Pagesplay deals with various themes and issues, however, this essay will focus on jealousy and race. Othello is considered one of the infamous (if not the most) literary works focusing on jealousy and the consequences it brings about. Various characters besides Othello fall victim to jealousy in the play and subject to different forms, i.e. sexual suspicion, lust and even disputes over promotion. It may be said that jealousy is the essence of the ‘tragedy’ that takes place in Othello. Shakespeare utilizes
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Learn the Italian Word Quando
The English translations of quando are: when, once, and after. If you want to be able to ask â€Å"when†something is happening in Italian, you’re going to have to get cozy with the word â€Å"quando†. Below are a handful of examples to help you become familiar with how and â€Å"when†to use â€Å"quando†. Esempi Quando parti per l’Italia? - When do you leave for Italy? (informal)Quando torni dall’Italia? - When do you return from Italy? (informal)Quando inizia il film? - When does the movie start?Quando à ¨ il compleanno di Giulia? - When is Giulia’s birthday?Chiamami quando torni. - Call me when you return. (informal)Arrivo da te quando ho finito di lavorare/col lavoro. - I’ll come over to your house once I’m done with work. (informal)Ci vediamo stasera quando arrivi. - We’ll see each other tonight after you arrive. (informal) Common Expressions Di quando in quando - SometimesQuando vuoi - Whenever you wantQuando mai? - Since when? Pop Culture Reference Quando, quando, quando - Tony Renis
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Self-Actualizing Through Loving Others - 1685 Words
â€Å"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others (Mahatma Ghandi). In order to successfully achieve self-discovery and happiness in life one must serve and love others. Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God moves around from place to place in order to find happiness. Author Zora Neale Hurstons life parallels with this story, as she attended four different schools after growing up in Eatonville, Florida, Americas first African-American town, where Janie first escapes for a new beginning (McLeod). Hurston studied cultural anthropology and started writing her books during the Great Depression (McLeod). The negative portrayal of blacks in the novel could allude to the sad times of prejudice when she grew up. Hurston struggled when growing up from her mothers death at an early age, her fathers quick remarriage, and two of her own marriages that ended in divorces (McLeod). The serious matters of life and death in the novel might have stemmed from Hurstons r ough childhood and early adulthood. From these tough experiences, Hurston has written many books on her ideas of living with love (McLeod). This life brought Hurston’s struggles into the novel where she teaches how to find true identity. Crabtree explains how Hurston did not want Janie to find fulfillment in a man, but rather in her new-found self. Paradoxically, she exhibits the lesson of how one can receive self-knowledge through loving others selflessly. Janies life of receiving hatred inShow MoreRelatedHumanistic Psychology And The Other Disciplines Essay1533 Words  | 7 PagesHumanistic psychology was created as a response to the limitations of the two forces already established, psychoanalytic and behaviorist psychology. 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Stefan’s Diaries Origins Chapter 6 Free Essays
The weather didn’t break by my engagement dinner a few days later, and even at five o’clock in the afternoon the air was hot and humid. In the kitchen, I’d overheard the servants gossiping that the strange, still weather was a result of the animal-killing demons. But discussion of the demons did not stop people from all over the county coming to the Grange Hall to celebrate the Confederacy. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 6 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The coaches backed up beyond the stone drive and showed no sign of slowing their onslaught toward the imposing stone structure. â€Å"Stefan Salvatore!†I heard as I stepped out of the coach behind my father. As my feet hit dirt, I saw Ellen Emerson and her daughter, Daisy, walking arm in arm, trailed by two maids. Hundreds of lanterns lit the stone steps leading to the white wooden doors, and carriages lined the curved walkway. I could hear strains of a waltz coming from inside the hall. â€Å"Mrs. Emerson. Daisy.†I bowed deeply. Daisy had hated me ever since we were children, when Damon had dared me to push her into Willow Creek. â€Å"Why, if it isn’t the gorgeous Emerson ladies,†Father said, also bowing. â€Å"Thank you to both of you for coming to this small supper. It’s so good to see everyone in town. We need to band together, now more than ever,†Father said, catching Ellen Emerson’s eye. â€Å"Stefan,†Daisy repeated, nodding as she took my hand. â€Å"Daisy. Y look more beautiful every day. Can ou you please forgive a gentleman for his wicked youth?†She glared at me. I sighed. There was no mystery or intrigue in Mystic Falls. Everyone knew everyone else. If Rosalyn and I were to get married, our children would be dancing with Daisy’s children. They would have the same conversations, the same jokes, the same fights. And the cycle would continue for eternity. â€Å"Ellen, would you do me the honor of allowing me to show you inside?†Father asked, anxious to make sure the hall was decorated according to his exacting specifications. Daisy’s mother nodded, and Daisy and I were left under the watchful gaze of the Emersons’ maid. â€Å"I’ve heard Damon’s back. How is he?†Daisy asked, finally deigning to talk to me. â€Å"Miss Emerson, we best be going inside to find your mama,†Daisy’s maid interrupted, tugging Daisy’s arm through the wide double doors of the Grange Hall. â€Å"I look forward to seeing Damon. Do give him that message!†Daisy called over her shoulder. I sighed and stepped into the hall. Located between town and the estate, the Grange had once been a meeting spot for the county’s landed gentry but had now become a makeshift armory. The walls of the hall were covered with ivy and wisteria and, farther up, Confederate flags. A band on the raised stage in the corner played a jaunty rendition of â€Å"The Bonnie Blue Flag,†and at least fifty couples circled the floor with glasses of punch in their hands. Father had obviously spared no expense, and it was clear that this was more than a simple welcome dinner for the troops. Heart-heavy, I headed over to the punch. I hadn’t walked more than five steps when I felt a hand clap my back. I prepared myself to give a tight smile and accept the awkward congratulations that were already trickling in. What was the point of having a dinner to announce an engagement that everyone seemed to know about? I thought sourly. I turned to find myself face-to-face with Mr. Cartwright. I instantly composed my expression into something I hoped resembled excitement. â€Å"Stefan, boy! If it isn’t the man of the hour!†Mr. Cartwright said, offering me a glass of whiskey. â€Å"Sir. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of your daughter’s company,†I said automatically, taking the smallest sip I could muster. I’d woken up with a terrible whiskey headache the morning after Damon and I spent time at the tavern. I’d stayed in bed, a cool compress on my forehead, while Damon had barely seemed affected. I’d heard him chasing Katherine through the labyrinth in the backyard. Every laugh I’d heard was like a tiny dagger in my brain. â€Å"The pleasure is all yours. I know it’s a good merger. Practical and low risk with plenty of opportunity for growth.†â€Å"Thank you, sir,†I said. â€Å"And I am so sorry about Rosalyn’s dog.†Mr. Cartwright shook his head. â€Å"Don’t tell my wife or Rosalyn, but I’d always hated the damn thing. Not saying it should have gone and gotten itself killed, but I think everyone is getting themselves all worked up over nothing. All this discussion of demons you hear all over the damn place. People whispering that the town is cursed. It’s that kind of talk that makes people so afraid of risk. Makes them nervous about putting their money in the bank,†Mr. Cartwright boomed, causing several people to stare. I smiled nervously. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Father acting as host and shuttling people toward the long table at the center of the room. I noticed each place was set with Mother’s delicate fleur-de-lis china. â€Å"Stefan,†my father said, clapping his hand on my shoulder, â€Å"are you ready? Y have everything ou you need?†â€Å"Yes.†I touched the ring in my breast pocket and followed him to the head of the table. Rosalyn stood next to her mother and smiled tightly at her parents. Rosalyn’s eyes, still red from crying over poor Penny, clashed horribly with the oversize, frilly pink dress she was wearing. As our neighbors took their seats around us, I realized that there were still two empty seats to my left. â€Å"Where’s your brother?†Father asked, lowering his voice. I glanced toward the door. The band was still playing, and there was anticipation in the air. Finally, the doors opened with a clatter, and Damon and Katherine walked in. Together. It wasn’t fair, I thought savagely. Damon could act like a boy, could continue to drink and flirt as if nothing had consequence. I’d always done the right thing, the responsible thing, and now it felt as though I was being punished for it by being forced to become a man. Even I was surprised by the surge of anger I felt. Instantly guilty, I tried to squelch the emotion by downing the full glass of wine to my left. After all, would Katherine have been expected to come to the dinner by herself? And wasn’t Damon just being gallant, the good elder brother? Besides, they had no future. Marriages, at least in our society, were approved only if they merged two families. And, as an orphan, what did Katherine have to offer besides beauty? Father would never let me marry her, but that also meant he wouldn’t let Damon marry her either. And even Damon wouldn’t go so far as to marry someone Father didn’t approve of. Right? Still, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Damon’s arm around Katherine’s tiny waist. She wore a green muslin dress whose fabric spread across her hoop skirts, and there was a hushed murmur as she and Damon made their way to the two empty seats at the center of the table. Her blue necklace gleamed at her throat, and she winked at me before taking the empty seat next to my own. Her hip brushed against mine, and I shifted uncomfortably. â€Å"Damon.†Father nodded tersely as Damon sat down to his left. â€Å"So do you think the army will be all the way down to Georgia by winter?†I asked Jonah Palmer loudly, simply because I didn’t trust myself to speak to Katherine. If I heard her musical voice, I might lose my nerve to propose to Rosalyn. â€Å"I’m not worried about Georgia. What I am worried about is getting the militia together to solve the problems here in Mystic Falls. These attacks will not be stood for,†Jonah, the town veterinarian who had also been training the Mystic Falls militia, said loudly, pounding his fist on the table so hard, the china rattled. Just then, an army of servants entered the hall, holding plates of wild pheasant. I took my silver fork and pushed the gamey meat around my plate; I had no appetite. Around me, I could hear the usual discussions: about the war, about what we could do for our boys in gray, about upcoming dinners and barbecues and church socials. Katherine was nodding intently at Honoria Fells across the table. Suddenly I felt jealous of the grizzled, frizzy-haired Honoria. She was able to have the one-on-one conversation with Katherine that I so desperately wanted. â€Å"Ready, son?†Father elbowed me in the ribs, and I noticed that people were already finished with their meals. More wine was being poured, and the band, who’d paused during the main course, was playing in the corner. This was the moment everyone had been waiting for: They knew an announcement was about to be made, and they knew that following that announcement there would be celebrating and dancing. It was always the way dinners happened in Mystic Falls. But I’d never before been at the center of an announcement. As if on cue, Honoria leaned toward me, and Damon smiled encouragingly. Feeling sick to my stomach, I took a deep breath and clinked my knife against my crystal glass. Immediately, there was a hush throughout the hall, and even the servants stopped midstep to stare at me. I stood up, took a long swig of red wine for courage, and cleared my throat. â€Å"I †¦ um,†I began in a low, strained voice I didn’t recognize as my own. â€Å"I have an announcement.†Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Father clutching his champagne flute, ready to jump in with a toast. I glanced at Katherine. She was looking at me, her dark eyes piercing my own. I tore my gaze away and gripped my glass so tightly, I was sure it would break. â€Å"Rosalyn, I’d like to ask your hand in marriage. Will you do me the honor?†I said in a rush, fumbling in my suit pocket for the ring. I pulled out the box and knelt down in front of Rosalyn, staring up at her watery brown eyes. â€Å"For you,†I said without inflection, flipping open the lid and holding it out toward her. Rosalyn shrieked, and the room burst into a smattering of applause. I felt a hand clap my back, and I saw Damon grinning down on me. Katherine clapped politely, an unreadable expression on her face. â€Å"Here.†I took Rosalyn’s tiny white hand and pushed the ring on her finger. It was too large, and the emerald rolled lopsidedly toward her pinkie. She looked like a child playing dress-up with her mother’s jewelry. But Rosalyn didn’t seem to care that the ring didn’t fit. Instead, she held out her hand, watching as the diamonds captured the light of the table’s candles. Immediately, a crush of women surrounded us, cooing over the ring. â€Å"This does call for a celebration!†my father called out. â€Å"Cigars for everyone. Come here, Stefan, son! Y ou’ve made me one proud father.†I nodded and shakily stepped over to him. It was ironic that while I’d spent my entire life trying to get my father’s approval, what made him happiest was an act that made me feel dead inside. â€Å"Katherine, will you dance with me?†I heard Damon’s voice above the din of scraping chairs and clinking glassware. I stopped in my tracks, waiting for the answer. Katherine glanced up, casting a furtive look in my direction. Her eyes held my own for a long moment. A wild urge to rip the ring off Rosalyn’s finger and place it on Katherine’s pale one nearly overtook me. But then Father nudged me from behind, and before I could react, Damon grabbed Katherine by the hand and led her out to the dance floor. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 6, Essay examples
Compare and Contrast Han and Roman Empire free essay sample
To begin with, in the Han Empire it was believed that Fuxi, a mythological wise emperor, invented pestle and mortar and that later on they were improved to withstand the whole weight of the body. This shows how the ancient Chinese used their intellect to advance themselves; they saw that their materials were not as strong as they needed to be so they bettered them to get them up to standards (Doc. 3). In contrast, the Romans were retarded in their advancements because of the way they looked at different jobs, some as degrading and vulgar. They didn’t like to take ideas from people that were in a lower social class because that’d make them unrefined as well (Doc. 5). Gaius Gracchus was a very wise man; he was an expert at designing roads to maximize mobility. He paid close attention to the smallest details and he made sure everything was as perfect as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Han and Roman Empire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The idea of the road was to fix the problem of the time it took to get from place to place. It was important to receive the perspective of Plutarch because it shows that even as a bloody thirsty Roman official, he appreciated the art of road building (Doc. 6). Also, in order to make sure there was plenty of water in Rome they built extensive aqueducts. These aqueducts were very efficiently built, a special cement that hardened as water ran over it was invented by the Romans to strengthen these marvelous structures (Doc. 8). Both of these great empires had intellectual views towards technology and it showed in the way they used it to get over obstacles posed in front of them. Many innovative ideas were put into play during the Han Dynasty, for example, Tu Shih invented a water-powered blowing-engine for the casting of iron agricultural implements that allowed people to enjoy great benefit for ittle labor. This increased productivity greatly and also made him popular among the common people. It would have been helpful to get the point of view of a commoner in order to really prove that Tu Shih was as great as he is portrayed (Doc. 4). Again, tools and technological advancements were made only when needed. According Seneca, it did not take a wise man to create these advancements, just motivation and reason. Roman advancement was also retarded because they saw no reason to progress unless it was totally needed (Doc. ). Something that helped the Romans enhance their technologies was that they allowed outside cultures to influence them. They were able to use other wise men’s ideas with their own to help them progress, something the Han Empire refused to do. They did not wish to tolerate was outside influence them, the Han did not want to tarnish their culture, they believed they were the oldest, most continuous culture around, and that it was superior to all others. This closed mindedness retarded their advancement greatly. The Han and the Romans both had their own inventions and ideas to put forth to help improve their empires. The Han government established water conservation offices in order to prevent floods. They built dikes and stationed engineers and officials around the flood prone areas. The point of view of the Han government official was important because it showed how he thought forward to the future to save money. If floods were prevented and the surrounding suburbs, cities, and government buildings were kept safe the Han government would not have to spend money on having to rebuild and repair (Doc. 1. When tools were first beginning to be made during the Han dynasty, workers were allowed to do both foundry work and salt boiling as long as they reported the work and paid a tax. Tools manufactured by paid citizens were well made. When the state began to use convict labor to save money, the tools were very brittle and horrible quality. Prices began to skyrocket so that common people cannot af ford to buy them. The point of view of a common woman would have been another good point of view in this situation. It would of helped emphasize the hard times and the horrible tools they were given to work with. Another point of view that would of given us a different look on things would have been one from a convict, this would of shown how they were treated and why they made the tools as they did (Doc. 2). By placing stones on either side of the road at lesser intervals, Gaius was able to reduce to cost of traveling because he made it easier for those with horses to mount them without the help of a groom. Since they did not have to pay a groom, they could use that money to buy food for the animal or to provide for their family (Doc. 6). The economy of the Han and Roman empires was greatly enriched because of their positive outlooks on technology. Even though the views of the Han and Romans differed, they both had advancements and retardations due to their viewpoint on technology. They had some similarities as well; together they indirectly helped each other evolve within their limitations. The attitudes of the Han and Romans toward technology both had different ways of using intellect to solve enigmas, technological advancements to help everyday people, and helped the economy by preventing natural disasters and preventing unnecessary spending of money.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Report on Face to Face Meeting and the Trade Fair †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Report on Face to Face Meeting and the Trade Fair. Answer: Report on Face to Face Meeting Recently I had an opportunity to meet and interact with three people who work in the integrated marketing communications field. During these meetings, I had an opportunity to speak to them about their work and sought their advice on how to prepare for finding and retaining a job in the industry. The conversations were eye opening and enlightened me on the requisites of the MIC field. My first meeting was with Mrs. Jane Milton, an MIC associate at Access Communications. During our interaction, I asked Mrs. Milton to advice me on the best way to prepare for and maintain a job in the marketing industry. She responded by highlighting the importance of creating a personal brand. Specifically, she suggested that it is important for an individual seeking a career opportunity in the industry, it is important for them to create the best version of themselves in front of the hiring manager and leave a long lasting impression by creating a personal brand. One may do this by customizing their resume for each individual job application and having a clean social presence. Afterwards, I had an opportunity to interact with Mr. John Kingsley who works in the MIC department at Ache Records. His advice was insightful and eye opening for an individual like me, seeking for a job in the MIC field. When asked on the best ways to prepare for and retain a job in the industry, he emphasized on the importance of possessing the right technical skills. Particularly, he stressed on the value of attending the right courses that equip an individual with the skills required in MIC. In his opinion, it is fundamental for a candidate to attend classes such as programming, mathematics and psychology. These classes will equip the individual with the skills to optimize marketing programs, as well as understand human behavior. Indeed, these skills are critical in marketing. Lastly, I had a meeting with Miss Jeniffer Kim, an MIC associate at Magna International. She enlightened me on the fact that in order to secure a job opportunity in the MIC field, it is important for the candidate to possess a great deal of self confidence. The job description warrants for an outspoken individual who can interact comfortably with clients and colleagues. Therefore, when attending an interview, the candidate must exhibit confidence. Report on the Job Fair Attendance I also attended two job fairs where I interacted with many potential employers from various companies across the country. First, I interacted with Randall Miller, who works as an IMC manager at Goodlife Fitness Company. When asked on the most critical skills that anyone seeking a position at Goodlife Fitness should possess, Mr Miller pointed out that the candidate must exhibit superior writing, editing and presentation skills. Mainly, this is because these skills are critical as one needs to communicate effectively with clients and team members. In addition, one must possess great teamwork skills as they may work with specialists from various marketing disciplines. According to Mr. Miller, having these skills may help one get and retain a job in the integrated marketing communication field. Afterward, I met Mrs. Emma Stone, and she shared some insightful views about landing and maintaining a lucrative job in the MIC field. Mrs. Stone is an Assistant Dean of Communications at Cintas Canada Limited. In her opinion, the right candidate for an MIC job at the company is one who can develop skills in observing responses both in the face-to-face format, the mathematical format and the feedback format. I learned that in order to be a great candidate for the job, one must be good at observing the cultural values of any situation in which a message is distributed to ascertain for cultural sensitivity and expertise. Lastly, I had an insightful conversation with Mr. Mason Rogers who is also an MIC associate at Sofina Foods Inc. I requested Mr. Rogers to enlighten me on the biggest errors that most candidates make when seeking employment at their company. To this, he responded by pointing out that most candidates fail to obtain a job in the field due to simple errors in the resumes. In his opinion, employers view the resume as a reflection of the applicant. For this reason, if they make mistakes in their application materials, then it is assumed that they will make mistakes on the job as well. From this I learnt that it is important to take a keen interest while writing a resume or cover letter for any job application as it can determine whether or not one is considered for the opportunity. List of questions asked What is the best way to prepare for and maintain a hob in the integrated marketing communications field? What critical skills should anyone intending to start a career in the integrated marketing communications industry possess? How can one secure and retain a job in the IMC department of your company or any other company? What are the biggest errors that mist candidates applying for an MIC job opportunity make?
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Ray Bradbury Essays - Fahrenheit 451, Waukegan, Illinois
Ray Bradbury "It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black. He strode in a swarm of fireflies. He wanted above all, like the old joke, to shove a marshmallow on a stick in the furnace, while the flapping pigeon-winged books died on the porch and lawn of the house. While the books went up in sparkling whirls and blew away on a wind turned dark with burning." The above quote is from Fahrenheit 451, my favorite science fiction novel of all time, by Ray Bradbury. The quote describes the main concept of the book and is very appealing because it gives so much visual detail to the scene. This story is set in a future where all books and other written materials are forbidden. The main character's (Guy Montag's) job is to burn books and the houses which the books are hidden in. He never questions his actions until he meets someone who tells him how it was in the past when people didn't live in fear and could read whatever they wished. Then he does everything he can to prevent books from being burned and starts wanting to learn more and more. I thought that this novel exercised great social commentary on society as a whole. It shows how important books are to us all. It also shows that some people feel that knowledge is a threat to power and rule. Reading is a freedom everyone should be able to enjoy. Ray Bradbury is an American novelist, short-story writer, essayist, playwright, screenwriter, and poet. He was born in Waukegan, Illinois on August 22, 1920. His work has been included in the Best American Short Story collections (1946,1948, and 1952). He has been awarded the O. Henry Memorial Award, the Benjamin Franklin Award in 1954, the Aviation-Space Writer's Association Award for best space article in an American Magazine in 1967, the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement, and the Grand Master Award from the Science Fiction Writers of America. His animated film about the history of flight, Icarus Montgolfier Wright, was nominated for an academy award, and his teleplay of The Halloween Tree won an Emmy. Some of Bradbury's most famous books over the years are The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, No Man is an Island, The Golden Apples of the Sun, Dandelion Wine and of course Fahrenheit 451. Ray Bradbury's writing has been honored in many ways, but probably the most unusual was when an Apollo astronaut named the Dandelion Crater on the Moon after Bradbury's novel, Dandelion Wine. Besides his literary achievements, Ray Bradbury was the idea consultant and wrote the basic scenario for the United States Pavilion at the 1964 New York World's Fair. He thought up the metaphors for Spaceship Earth, EPCOT, Disney World, and he contributed to the birth of the Orbitron space ride at Euro-Disney in France. He was creative consultant for the Jon Jerde Partnership, the architectural firm that blueprinted the Glendale Galleria, The Westside Pavilion in Los Angeles, and Horton Plaza in San Diego. Ray Bradbury is now living in California and is still writing and lecturing.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Cause and Effect Essay
Cause and Effect Essay Cause and effect essay writing gives reasons and explanations for events, conditions, or behavior. Cause and effect essay is a type of essays that centers on why things occur (causes) and the outcomes of the happenings (effects). Cause-and-effect writing gives reasons and explanations for events, conditions, or behavior. It answers the need most of us have to understand the world around us. If you are looking for cause and effect essay examples here is a great one CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY EXAMPLE: GREAT DEPRESSION Cause and effect essays are popular ways of helping students understand the relationship between various events. They’re extremely popular in history classes, although students are certainly going to encounter them in English and writing classes as well. English and writing classes are often geared towards helping students be better at critical thinking in general, and cause and effect essays can serve as excellent critical thinking exercises in general. Cause and effect essays are starting to become more popular than the five-paragraph essays that many people have had to learn over the years, for various reasons. The traditional five paragraph essay format is highly formulaic. It doesn’t truly prepare students for the sort of advanced writing skills that they are really going to need. It encourages people to write in a manner that is highly artificial. In many cases, students do not provide enough evidence for their points. The cause and effect essay is much better when it comes to promoting critical thinking skills in the minds of students, which has helped make it the new star of academic writing today. CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY OUTLINE Writing a Cause and Effect Essay Often times, a cause and effect essay is going to involve people selecting an event that had a given list of defined consequences. Certain events are going to make for richer essays than others. The cause and effect relationship between the events and the consequences needs to be strong enough, or the essay is going to feel unfocused and vague. One popular example of an event to write about in a cause and effect essay in classrooms in the United States is the American Civil War. Students will then list the causes of the American Civil War when they are in the planning stages of the cause and effect essay. From there, they will formulate thesis statements and build the rest of their essays. Another popular essay topic for students who can write about more recent history might be the crime wave that lasted between 1975 and 1995. Students might look at what caused this crime wave. They also might look at what eventually led to the end of the crime wave. This sort of cause and effect relationship is ripe for analysis, especially since there are a lot of specific trends that have helped mark the beginning and end of the infamous period in late-twentieth-century American history. A student might say: the late-twentieth century crime wave ended as a result of improved forensic techniques, improved social welfare programs, increases in surveillance, and increased awareness. With regards to the Civil War, and student might say: the Civil War was caused by increasing tensions between the Northern and Southern regions of the United States and the South’s desire to expand slavery throughout the country, as well as the South’s fear that slavery would eventually be eliminated if the spread was curtailed. Compose a thesis statement that clearly states your topic. Because cause-and-effect essays need a readily identifiable structure, you will almost always write the essay in chronological order. Sometimes, however, you will use reverse chronological order. For example, you might begin with an effect or a series of effects and trace them back to their original cause. Whatever organization you use, write paragraphs with strong, clear topic sentences and relevant supporting details. The thesis statement for an essay that was about the American Civil War could be more general, with something along the lines of two halves of a nation that have very different economies and ideas of how to run a society are going to face strong conflicts with one another. A student would then go into detail about how the conflicts between the North and the South had been brewing for a long time before the Civil War finally erupted, and the Civil War was the culmination of all of those tensions. Diffe rent pieces of evidence are going to belong in the cause section, and different pieces of evidence are going to belong in the effects section. Naturally, it is also important to illustrate the effects in question. The American Civil War was so substantial in terms of its consequences for the American people that some of the effects are still being felt today since the South never truly reconstructed and both halves of the United States still face political conflicts with one another to this day. The reader should walk away with that impression, at least after reading the effects section and the section of the essay that describes the cause and effect relationship. HOW TO WRITE A CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY Cause and Effect Essay Writing Tips TIP 1. People who are having a hard time identifying a clear consequence of the given events should choose a new topic, if possible. There are lots of examples out there, and no one needs to waste any time trying to argue in favor of a point that is going to be too difficult to properly state in an essay that is really about logical understanding more than anything else. TIP 2. It is a good idea to have at least two or three pieces of evidence in support of why a given effect logically followed from the cause in question. The entire essay should not hinge on a few data points. TIP 3. Smooth transitions between paragraphs are just as important in cause and effect essays as they are in five paragraph essays, even though the ideas between them are not going to be anywhere near as clear cut. TIP 4. There are no hard and solid rules on the length of cause and effect essays, which is not the case with the five-paragraph essays that people will either love or loathe. Those essays will usually have to be one page long. Unless there are any specific requirements, cause and effect essays can be a couple of pages long or longer than that, and they are still going to be just as good. TIP 5. It is important not to include a lot of meandering details in cause and effect essays that do not specifically relate to the point or reinforce the point. Cause and effect essays can be longer than five-paragraph essays, but they are not the sorts of essays that are going to need filler content. Being clear and straightforward is going to matter more. The details are going to need to relate to reinforcing the cause and effect relationship that is at the heart of the cause and effect essay. 50 WINNING CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY TOPICS Signal Words in Cause-and-Effect Writing Cause and Effect as a result because consequently due to ifthen leads to therefore thus Degrees of Certainty certainly may necessarily perhaps possibly probably undoubtedly unquestionably Levels of Importance above all equally important finally first initially last primarily second We have successfully completed hundreds of cause and effect essays and know how to craft a superb paper. Achieve great academic success  order an essay at !
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Capital Punishment should be abolish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Capital Punishment should be abolish - Essay Example Capital punishment is exercised on mentally ill individuals, it also causes emotional suffering for their families and is applied without taking into consideration the convict's case and situation. Thus, death penalty should be abolished. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) says: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 5)." So how can we explain that each year death penalty is performed throughout the world not observing the individual human rights Moreover, "Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law (Article 6)." Does capital punishment treat offenders as human beings Rather not, I reckon. Instead, the state chooses to punish the villain citizen by killing him. One of the incontrovertible arguments against the capital punishment is that criminals are also real, human beings like us, who have their lives and families. Many of the serial killers have deep psychological problems and instead of being killed should be put into mental institutions and asylums. We have to wisely consider how we will look at criminals, especially murderers - as evil or sick. This is another very important issue and it seems that society hardly ever reacts reasonably on this.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Marketing is a market dynamic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing is a market dynamic - Essay Example Keeping an eye on the individual objectives, today the entire philosophy of business has changed. What is followed is not the selling concept but the marketing concept. Once a product is marketed properly, sales automatically happen. Hence all efforts are to market the product. Marketing requires understanding the consumer behaviour and purchasing decisions. The marketing concept seeks on focusing what the consumer wants, even if it means coming out with new products. The study of Consumer Behaviour is defined by Schiffman & Kanuk (Liesel Schwerdtfeger) as the study of how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items (what they buy, why they buy, when they buy, where they buy, how often they buy and use a product or service). Study of consumer behaviour has become the rule of the day. This is a very important aspect of marketing and all decisions depend upon this study. A study of consumer psychology helps firms to understand how consumers react. It gives an idea of how the consumer thinks, feels, reasons and selects between different alternatives available in the market, how the consumer is influenced by the society, culture and the media. Different products have a different level of significance for different consumers and hence the motivation for each differs. Knowledge of these helps the firm to understand the needs, wants of the consumer, and adapt marketing strategy accordingly.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Defining Music From Music Theory
Defining Music From Music Theory The word music comes from the Greek mousikà ª (tekhnà ª) by way of the Latin musica. It is ultimately derived from mousa, the Greek word for muse. In ancient Greece, the word mousike was used to mean any of the arts or sciences governed by the Muses. Later, in Rome, ars musica embraced poetry as well as instrument-oriented music. In the European Middle Ages, musica was part of the mathematical, geometry, astronomy and musica. Other than that, many definitions of music implicitly hold that music is a communicative activity which conveys to the listener moods, emotions, thoughts, impressions, or philosophical, sexual, or political concepts or positions. Levi R. Bryant defines music not as a language, but as a marked-based, problem-solving method such as mathematics (Ashby 2004, 4).Because of its ability to communicate, music is sometimes described as the universal language. Yet the meaning of music is obviously culturally mediated. For example, in Western society, minor chords are of ten perceived as sad, an understanding other cultures rarely share. More precisely, music is the actualization of the possibility of any sound whatever to present to some human being a meaning which he experiences with his body-that is to say, with his mind, his feelings, his senses, his will, and his metabolism (Clifton 1983, 1). It is therefore a certain reciprocal relation established between a person, his behavior, and a sounding object (Clifton 1983, 10). Music, often an art/entertainment, is a total social fact whose definitions vary according to era and culture, according to Jean Molino (1975, 37). It is often contrasted with noise. According to musicologist Jean-Jacques Nattiez: The border between music and noise is always culturally defined-which implies that, even within a single society, this border does not always pass through the same place; in short, there is rarely a consensus. 2.1.1 Meaning of Music: A view from Music Theory Meaning of music is a vast issue that straddles many disciplines including those of philosophy, psychology, semiotics, linguistics and acoustic, and it seems that there is undying enthusiasm for exploring why and how music is meaningful to human beings, why it is such a powerful personal and social phenomenon: and why we use it as a therapeutic tool. (Colwyn Trevarthen, p.18, 2000) As music is meaningful for human beings, it can be relate to the music influence towards an individual. And in this particular research it is focus towards student lifestyle. Music is not only about influence to the people but it is also a therapy for people. Jean-Jaques Nattiez, the Canadian semiotician, opens his famous book, Music and Discourse (1990), with the following statement: This book is based upon a hypothesis that I shall immediately state: the musical is merely what we used to call the text; it is not merely a wholly composed of structures (I prefer in any case, to write of configurations). Rather, the work is also constituted by the procedures that have been endangered it (acts of composition), and the procedures to which it gives rise: acts of interpretation and perception. (p.ix) Music is made under certain procedures which mainly refer to the composition of the music itself, then followed by process to enhance the quality of the music itself. 2.2 Types of Music There are several type of music being exist in the world, however as listed below are mainly known or major type of music known by the people. 2.2.1 Hip Hop Hip Hop is the most popular form of music. Coinage of the term hip hop is often credited to Keith Cowboy, a rapper. Hip Hop is composed of rapping and DJing. The term rap is sometimes used synonymously with hip hop music, though it is also used to refer specifically to the practice of rapping, which is just one component of hip hop. Typically, hip hop music consists of one or more rappers who chant semi-autobiographic tales, often relating to a fictionalized counterpart, in an intensely rhythmic lyrical form, making abundant use of techniques like assosance, alliteration and rhyme. Though rap may be performed acapella, it is more common for the rapper to be accompanied by a DJ. Hip hop arose in New York City when DJs began isolating the percussion break from funk or disco songs. The role of the emcee (MC) arose to introduce the DJ and the music, and to keep the audience excited. By 1979, hip hop had become a commercially recorded music genre, and began to enter the American mainstream. It also began its spread across the world. In the 1990s, a form called gangsta rap became a major part of American music. The reason for hip hops rise was the decline of rock, funk, disco in the mid to late 70s. he 1980s saw intense diversification in hip hop, which developed into a more complex form. The simple tales of 1970s emcees were replaced by highly metaphoric lyrics rapping over complex, multi-layered beats. The first rap records were actually recorded by live musicians in the studio, with the rappers adding their vocals later. Aside from hip hops great popularity, the genre has had an impact on most varieties of popular music. There are performers that combine either hip hop beats or rapping with rock and roll, heavy metal, punk rock, jazz. Hip hop has hundreds of major international magazines devoted to it, most famously including The Source and Vibe. In its early years, BET (Black Entertainment Television) was almost the only television channel likely to play any hip hop music; now, several mainstream channels such as VH1 and MTV may play more hip hop music than any other style. 2.2 Rhythm Blues Rhythm and Blues also known as RB is a popular music genre combining jazz, gospel and blues influence. This kind of music is generally performed by the African American artists. This term was coined by the marketing team in the United States in 1947 by Jerry Wexler at Billboard magazine. In the 1970s, rhythm and blues was being used as a term to describe soul and funk. Blues is a vocal and instrumental form of music based on the use of the blue notes and a repetitive pattern that most often allows a 12-bar structure. It emerged in African-American communities. The blues influenced later American and Western popular music. It became a part of jazz, bluegrass, hip hop and pop songs. Rhythm is the variation of the length and accentuation of a series of sounds or other events. Rhythm involves patterns of duration that are phenomenally present in the music. It is most associated with music, dance and the majority of poetry. The study of rhythm, stress, and pitch in speech is called Prosody. 2.2.3 Jazz Jazz is the art of expression set to music. Jazz is said to be the fundamental rhythms of human life and mans contemporary reassessment of his traditional values. Volumes have been written on the origins of jazz based on black American life-styles. The early influences of tribal drums and the development of gospel, blues and field hollers seems to point out that jazz has to do with human survival and the expression of life. The meaning of jazz soon became a musical art form, whether under composition guidelines or improvisation, jazz reflected spontaneous melodic phrasing. Jazz developed in the latter part of the 19th century from black work songs, field shouts, sorrow songs, hymns, and spirituals whose harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic elements were predominantly African. Because of its spontaneous, emotional, and improvisational character, and because it is basically of black origin and association, jazz has to some extent not been accorded the degree of recognition it deserves. European audiences have often been more receptive to jazz, and thus many American jazz musicians have become expatriates. 2.2.4 Country music Any kind of Music is a form of art. Country music, the first half of billboards country and western music category, is a blend of popular musical forms originally found in the Southern United States.Many songs have been adapted to different country music styles. Few of the famous country style artists are Jim Reeves, Elvis Presley, Charlie Pride, Patsy Cline, Bob Williams; the most important instrument used in country music is the Guitar. The songs of Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, and the Sons of the Pioneers put the Western in Country and Western Music. Much of this music was written for and brought to the American public through the cowboy films of the 30s and 40s and were widely popular. 2.2.5 Rock Rock (also known as rock n roll) is a form of music that evolved in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Its roots lay mainly in rhythm and blues, country, folk, gospel, and jazz. The style quickly spread to the rest of the world and developed further, leading ultimately to modern rock music. And nowadays, rock is the dominant form of popular music in the world. The term rock and roll now covers at least two different meanings, both in common usage. The American Heritage Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary both define rock and roll as synonymous with rock music. Conversely, defines the term to refer specifically to the music of the 1950s. For the purpose of differentiation, this article uses the latter definition, while the broader musical genre is discussed in the rock music article. Classic rock and roll is usually played with one or two electric guitars (one lead, one rhythm), a string bass or (after the mid-1950s) an electric bass guitar, and a drum kit. In the earliest rock and roll styles of the late 1940s and early 1950s, either the piano or saxophone was often the lead instrument, but these were generally replaced or supplemented by guitar in the middle to late 1950s. The beat is essentially a boogie woogie blues rhythm with an accentuated backbeat, the latter almost always provided by a snare drum. The massive popularity and eventual worldwide view of rock and roll gave it a unique social impact. Far beyond simply a musical style, rock and roll, as seen in movies and in the new medium of television, influenced lifestyles, fashion, attitudes, and language. It went on to spawn various sub-genres, often without the initially characteristic backbeat, that are now more commonly called simply rock music or rock. 2.3 How music can influence students life style. Rock is another type of music that had been criticized often by the media. They say that rock like bands like KoRn and Limp Bizkit give kids negative thoughts and make teens nowadays act out in violence. This however is not true. The only way rock influences teenagers in on what they wear. Kids that wear baggy pants, large shirts, and long necklaces with five inch pendants usually listen to rap. Teens that wear wide leg pants and torn up clothes usually affected from listen to alternative music. Lastly, teenagers who have pierced tongues, blue hair, and wear tight leather pants most likely will listen to rock music. Because rock had influences teens on what to wear, that does not mean that the kids will be violent. Large clothes and pierced tongues are only ways to express oneself (Smith 2). Smith obviously agrees and that the type of clothes does not make a decent teen turn bad. 2.4 The important of music among the students. Music is important to most teenagers. It is a way to get away from all of lives problems. Music can gives teenagers a different way to think than the normal way to think. KoRn is one of the bands. Parents believe they are a bad influence on their children, but they only say that because they do not want to blame themselves for being bad parents and not being able to raise their child right. Teenagers seek music as an outlet from problems in life, yet the media and parents believe that rap and rock music is to blame for teenagers problems. Rap is being blamed for the murders and crimes in cities all over America. Rock is being blamed for giving teens evil thoughts mixed with hate. Rap lyrics are about the rappers societies problems. So if person does not like the lyrics, change the suburbs in large cities to make the lyrics better. A rock lyric is all about the soul. Lyrics from rock music are deeper than any other type of music out today. That is why the music is widespread. Music is the universal language, and that is why all music is important to someone. Music also played an important role in learning and the communication of culture. We often use music to define our beliefs and convictions and are attracted to music which affirms and supports these beliefs and convictions (Michael Rich 3). Childrens television has used the combination of words, music and animation to promote learning for many years. Most parents seem to be concerned about what their young children hear and see, but tend to pay less attention to the unending media exposure that their children are confronted with daily as they grow older, especially music videos. According to the National Institute on Media and the Family, music videos are the media of choice for many adolescents and they spend between three and four hours per day listening to music which includes radio, CDs and music videos. Music helps adolescents define important social and interpersonal behaviors and can have impact on a teenagers attitudes, beliefs and judgments. It affirms and confirms a teenagers struggles, joys, sorrows, fears and fantasies (Michael Rich 3). Music is often a major part of a teenagers separate world and it is common for them to get pleasure in keeping adults out or causing adults some distress with their choices. However, they dont seem to be aware that music videos can have an influence on what they wear, how they act and what they think. Teenagers, in particular, look to media images for standards of dress, hairstyle, behavior and cultural practices (Burns Martinez 1). Musical intelligence is a way to awaken and stimulate memory and learning. Music is an effective memory aid (Anton, 1990). Students seem to enjoy music and it helps them relax and become more receptive to language learning. Anton also further points out that music combine the right hemisphere of the brain with the left hemisphere. The right side deals with creative activities,non-verbal and emotional processes while the left side governs specific verbal and logic-based learning. While, music also helps lot in students academic performance. Music is a subject to be studied and appreciated as a separate skill, it can also be used as a means for acquiring other knowledge (Lazear, 1991). Singing can build students confidence by allow them to enjoy a degree of fluency in English before they have achieved it in speaking (Zatorre, 2000). Also, songs can be incorporated to all language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking). Using music in the classroom has its own beneficial purposes. Singing helps students to improve their pronunciation and stress (Wilcox, 1995). Students would feel happy as memory is generally associated with an emotion. Music can help them to learn structures and expressions far more complicated than they could learn through a grammar lesson which only involve verbal skills. Often not, students are able to improve their listening skills where words often rhyme or are repeated. They also may be able to remember what they have learned, and are able to call upon the material when needed as they begin to produce language (Newham, 1995). Using music may also break the monotomy of the lesson where usually people have a 20 minute attention span and after the songs, students become more alert. With higher-level students, using very soft rainforest music helps their concentration and music without words is good for relaxation (Lozanov, 1978). Generally, listening to music in class requires engaged attention and in turn, both reflection and for the development of imaginative responses to what students hear and read (Dvorak, 1984). 2.5 Future of Music From one point of view, the present age offers a moment of exceptional musical excitement and opportunity. With so many technical and stylistic alternatives at hand, plus a constant stream of technological advances opening up ever new areas of exploration , todays composers would seem free to follow their imaginations at will, to the outermost reaches of what is musically possible. (Morgan Robert P., p488) Music can be said to express the general spirit of an age, moreover, it cannot be expected to a mirror of consensus that does not exist elsewhere. At least until there is a profound shift of contemporary consciousness; it seems likely that music will retain its present pluralistic and uncentered quality. For music to change the world will have to change. In a more specific view, music will change following the trend by its users. Thus, each type of music actually represent certain level age of an individual, whereby different age of person may have different taste of music.
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