Saturday, May 23, 2020
History of Baseball - Alexander Cartwright
Americans began playing baseball on informal teams, using local rules, in the early 1800s. By the 1860s, the sport, unrivaled in popularity, was being described as Americas national pastime. Alexander Cartwright Alexander Cartwright (1820-1892) of New York invented the modern baseball field in 1845. Alexander Cartwright and the members of his New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club devised the first rules and regulations that were accepted for the modern game of baseball. Rounders Baseball was based on the English game of rounders. Rounders become popular in the United States in the early 19th century, where the game was called town ball, base, or baseball. Alexander Cartwright formalized the modern rules of baseball. Yes, others were making their own versions of the game at the time, however, the Knickerbockers style of the game was the one that became the most popular. History of Baseball - Knickerbockers The first recorded baseball game was held in 1846 when Alexander Cartwrights Knickerbockers lost to the New York Baseball Club. The game was held at the Elysian Fields, in Hoboken, New Jersey. In 1858, the National Association of Base Ball Players, the first organized baseball league was formed. History of Baseball Trivia 1845: Alexander Cartwright published a set of baseball rules for the Knickerbocker Club of New York, and his rules were widely adopted.1869: The Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first openly-salaried team and are thus considered the first professional team.1871: The first professional baseball league, the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players, was established.1876: The first major league, the National League, was formed.1878: Frederick Winthrop Thayer of Massachusetts (captain of the Harvard University Baseball Club) received a patent for a baseball catchers mask on February 12.
Monday, May 18, 2020
One of the studies I found talked about how men and women...
One of the studies I found talked about how men and women differ in confronting their significant other about extra-partner affairs. The author of this study, Barry X. Khule, had trained undergraduate students watch and code fifty-one episodes of the reality television show Cheaters (Khule, 2011). Individuals who believed they were being cheated on called the show and asked that the Cheater’s Detective Agency (CDA) follow their significant other around for weeks. Then, the CDA provided the victim with video surveillance footage to show whether or not their significant other had actually been cheating on them. The show then gave the victim a chance to confront the cheating mate. The confrontation was also videotaped as part of the show†¦show more content†¦Men are believed to have evolved an adaptation for jealousy because if a man’s significant other was unfaithful, it reduced the man’s chances of reproducing and passing along his genes to the next gener ation. On the other hand, women are believed to have evolved an adaptation for jealousy because if a woman’s significant other was unfaithful, she would lose her source of resources, protection, and attention (Buss Haselton, 2005). This article also states that men find it harder to forgive a sexual infidelity and women find it harder to forgive an emotional infidelity. Evolutionary psychologists believe that women are drawn to men based on their resources (e.g. money, family, health) and that men are drawn to women based on their physical appearance (e.g. body shape, size, facial attractiveness). When men feel as though they are in jeopardy of infidelity, they engage in what the authors of the article call â€Å"jealous mate-guarding†, especially during their woman’s time of ovulation each month. When women feel that their â€Å"resource-endowed†man may be more attracted to another woman, they also engage in jealous mate-guarding (Buss Haselton, 2005). In my opinion, jealousy can be a big problem, but it doesn’t have to be. It all depends on the couple and how compatible they are with each other. A little jealousy can be a good thing; it means that people care about each ot her and are afraid to lose one another. However, there is a point whereShow MoreRelatedEnvy, Jealousy, And Jealousy1343 Words  | 6 Pagessickness, but some people say that is a motivation to be better. Although envy and jealousy are similar, but they are two different things according to studies. Although envy and jealousy are often treated as synonyms but there is a difference. You are envious of what others have but what you do not. Jealousy, on the other hand, involves holding tight on what you have; afraid of losing (Brians). Envy and jealousy are similar, but they have the different meaning in term of emotion. The emotion whenRead MoreBehavioral Jealousy872 Words  | 4 PagesBehavioral jealousy are actions that occur between an individual who is experiencing envious thoughts and how they internalize and react to the stimuli. Pfeiffer and Wong (1989) â€Å"conceptualize jealous behaviors as the detective/protective measures a person takes when relationship rivals (real or imaginary) are perceived. Detective actions include questioning, checking up on the partner, and searching the partner’s belongings†(p.183). Research suggests that behavioral jealousy is used to maintainRead MoreOthello- Jealousy1814 Words  | 8 PagesJealousy, â€Å"the green-e yed monster†Shakespeare is consistent in his use of repeated themes throughout his works, particularly those of love, death, and betrayal. Shakespeare repeats these themes to set the mood through his works. It is important for Shakespeare to be consistent with his themes, or the plays would lose their meaning and mood. All of these themes are present in Othello, but the most dominant is the theme of jealousy, which presents itself multiple times throughout the play. We seeRead MoreEssay on Jealousy in Othello1076 Words  | 5 Pagesothers, begins to take advantage of those around him, and does not relent on anyone who gets in his way to gain what he craves most: power. First, jealously stems from Iago’s own craving for what others have and he lacks. Iago is a man who uses jealousy against those around him; however, this jealously seems to be what fuels his own loathing in the first place. Iago’s jealously is first shown at the beginning of the play when he is speaking with Roderigo about the Moor. He says: Despise me Read MoreJealousy, By William Shakespeare2097 Words  | 9 Pagesthree of my chosen texts is jealousy, It is presented in many different ways ranging from sexual and romantic jealousy to professional jealousy of someone of a higher rank or social standing. In every example jealousy is portrayed as being the main cause of self destruction of the characters it afflicts. Othello is driven to madness by his jealousy and this culminates in the murder of his wife, Ferdinand loses his sanity and murders his sister because of his intense jealousy over her lover and his desireRead MoreIago’s Jealousy Essay915 Words  | 4 PagesIago’s Jealousy In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, good is often confronted by evil, in which almost every case is in the form of jealousy. Iago, the plays antagonist, is a very manipulative villain. Iago uses his own agony and distress brought upon him by his envy of others, to provoke the same agony within the characters in the play. Jealousy’s ability are shown to influence people to new ends and make all humanistic judgment disappear leaving that man a monster torn apart by envy. Jealousy’sRead MoreEssay About Jealousy782 Words  | 4 Pageshaystack. It’s lost in a boundless sea of nothing. You can’t laugh and have fun. You find joy in hanging with your friends or family because jealousy is reminding you how easy life may be for them, or how much more fun they seem to be having then you. Jealousy not only develops from a significant other but also from your parents or friends. With parents, jealousy arises from one sibling gets more attention than the other. It’s as if you start to feel like your parents don’t love you enough to put inRead MoreJealousy, Love, And Death964 Words  | 4 PagesOthello. However, the most dynamic of themes in this play is jealousy. White describes jealousy as a â€Å"complex of thoughts, feelings, and actions which follow threats to self-esteem and/or threats to the existence or quality of a relationship†(qtd in UK essays par 1). Two types of jealousy are presented to the audience in Othello; the kind of jealousy that is fear of losing what one has, and the kind that is envious of what others have. Jealousy is a prevalent theme in Othello; it is rooted by love andRead MoreJealousy In Othello Essay758 Words  | 4 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the Moorish general in the Italian army, Oth ello, tragically downfalls due to jealousy. Othello has recently married Desdemona, and Iago being jealous that Cassio, the local drunk, got offered the position of lieutenant over himself, decides to disrupt Othello and Desdemona’s new marriage. Iago’s plan includes getting Cassio drunk and in a fight, so that Othello will not want him as lieutenant anymore. Then Iago will convince Cassio to go to Desdemona, soRead MoreJealousy and Race in Othello 1430 Words  | 6 Pagesplay deals with various themes and issues, however, this essay will focus on jealousy and race. Othello is considered one of the infamous (if not the most) literary works focusing on jealousy and the consequences it brings about. Various characters besides Othello fall victim to jealousy in the play and subject to different forms, i.e. sexual suspicion, lust and even disputes over promotion. It may be said that jealousy is the essence of the ‘tragedy’ that takes place in Othello. Shakespeare utilizes
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Learn the Italian Word Quando
The English translations of quando are: when, once, and after. If you want to be able to ask â€Å"when†something is happening in Italian, you’re going to have to get cozy with the word â€Å"quando†. Below are a handful of examples to help you become familiar with how and â€Å"when†to use â€Å"quando†. Esempi Quando parti per l’Italia? - When do you leave for Italy? (informal)Quando torni dall’Italia? - When do you return from Italy? (informal)Quando inizia il film? - When does the movie start?Quando à ¨ il compleanno di Giulia? - When is Giulia’s birthday?Chiamami quando torni. - Call me when you return. (informal)Arrivo da te quando ho finito di lavorare/col lavoro. - I’ll come over to your house once I’m done with work. (informal)Ci vediamo stasera quando arrivi. - We’ll see each other tonight after you arrive. (informal) Common Expressions Di quando in quando - SometimesQuando vuoi - Whenever you wantQuando mai? - Since when? Pop Culture Reference Quando, quando, quando - Tony Renis
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Self-Actualizing Through Loving Others - 1685 Words
â€Å"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others (Mahatma Ghandi). In order to successfully achieve self-discovery and happiness in life one must serve and love others. Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God moves around from place to place in order to find happiness. Author Zora Neale Hurstons life parallels with this story, as she attended four different schools after growing up in Eatonville, Florida, Americas first African-American town, where Janie first escapes for a new beginning (McLeod). Hurston studied cultural anthropology and started writing her books during the Great Depression (McLeod). The negative portrayal of blacks in the novel could allude to the sad times of prejudice when she grew up. Hurston struggled when growing up from her mothers death at an early age, her fathers quick remarriage, and two of her own marriages that ended in divorces (McLeod). The serious matters of life and death in the novel might have stemmed from Hurstons r ough childhood and early adulthood. From these tough experiences, Hurston has written many books on her ideas of living with love (McLeod). This life brought Hurston’s struggles into the novel where she teaches how to find true identity. Crabtree explains how Hurston did not want Janie to find fulfillment in a man, but rather in her new-found self. Paradoxically, she exhibits the lesson of how one can receive self-knowledge through loving others selflessly. Janies life of receiving hatred inShow MoreRelatedHumanistic Psychology And The Other Disciplines Essay1533 Words  | 7 PagesHumanistic psychology was created as a response to the limitations of the two forces already established, psychoanalytic and behaviorist psychology. One of the biggest differences between humanistic psychology and the other disciplines is that it views humanity in a holistic and optimistic manner rather than in fragmentations. One of the most significant and founding theorists of this humanism force was Carl Rogers. His contributions to the field, research on personality, and his psychotherapy techniquesRead MoreSummary Of The Grinch 1712 Words  | 7 Pages both organic and inorganic, tends to evolve from simpler to more complex forms and (2) an actualizing tendency, which suggests that all living things, including humans, tend to move toward completion, or fulfillment of potentials†(Feist, 2012. pp.289) Rogers argued that people start building their sense of self at infancy and forms a self concept which is how we believe our self to be and the ideal self which is how we aspire to be. This bigger the gap between the two, the less one is psychologicallyRead MorePerson Centered Theory7387 Words  | 30 Pagesenvironment that provides them with genuinness (openness and self-disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood). Without these, relationships and healthy personalities will not develop as they should, much like a tree will not grow without sunlight and water. Rogers believed that every person can achieve their goals, wishes and desires in life. When, or rather if they did so, self actualization took place. This was one of Carl RogersRead MoreExistential Therapy1639 Words  | 7 Pagescognitive distortions thoughts and feeling on how a person views the world and themselves, which points out low self-esteem. Cognitive distortions are mainly negative thoughts of self, guiltiness that leads to uncertainties emotions and actions. Cognitive behavior focuses on results reinforcements and monitor behaviors. Existential therapy enables people to change and become aware and self actualized. â€Å" Existential therapy is suitable for people who are open to new ideas and seeking greater meaningRead MoreHow Can A Christian Counselor Effectively Counsel Clients1644 Words  | 7 Pagesone must focus their practice on while working with clients. The main goal as a Christian therapist is to integrate psychology, professional ethics, Scripture and t he very character of Jesus in a way that never compromises the authority of God. Through out Modern Psychotherapies, it lines out secular psychological perspectives. The text shows us what to look for from a Christian perspective, but it doesn’t throw the theories out altogether. There are different groups of Christian counselors. ThereRead Moreexplore the behavioral and humanistic theory6235 Words  | 25 Pagesbehavior through traditional or operant conditioning and all behavior is learnt from the environment. One of the early pioneers of humanistic psychology was Abraham Maslow; he established the hierarchy levels of needs and believed that by achieving the needs in the correct order would allow individuals to become self-actualized. However, Carl Rogers a psychologist and father of Client–centered theory felt that in addition to Maslow’s hierarchical needs, in order for someone to achieve self-actualizationRead MoreEssay The Hamlet Paradigm4539 Words  | 19 PagesEstrangement In attempting to kill Claudius, Hamlet risks enduring estrangement occurring within his self at multiple psychological levels. There are primarily five such levels of estrangement: 1. Religious estrangement: Hamlet feels self-actualized from following basic religious principles of living. This is shown by his lamentation that the everlasting had fixed his cannon against self-slaughter, thus preventing Hamlet from committing suicide at a time when he felt like doing so. If HamletRead MoreEssay about Personality Theories Matrix2867 Words  | 12 PagesPersonality Theories Matrix THEORY Psychoanalytic Neo-Freudian Trait Biological Humanistic Behavioral/ Social Cognitive Personality â€Å"Self: id, ego, superego, thanatos; defense mechanisms.†Personlaity structureis made up of 3 major systems: the id, the ego and the superego. Each has its own function properties, components, operating principles, and mechanisms, the systems interact so closely with one another that it is difficult to disentangle their effectsRead MoreWestern Nursing Theories2478 Words  | 10 Pagesto change behaviors. The client develops self- awareness based on his social relationships with society. Self - determination is an internal response by the client, which catalyzes transformation of their behavior that is alienating them from their social environment.(Barker,2009) The focus is based on the clients own awareness of their past, present and future.(Solowski.R,2010) This philosophy is about a client realizing their potential and actualizing on that potential. A patient initiates personalRead MoreBuilding Healthy Society2130 Words  | 9 Pagescomprehend what our rulers are doing, most of which is at odds with notions of egalitarianism, j ustice, and democracy. Within the frame of historical reality, it is perfectly clear: they are playing out the endgame of Empire, seeking to consolidate power through increasingly authoritarian and anti-democratic policies. Wise choices necessarily rest on a foundation of truth. The Great Turning depends on awakening to deep truths long denied. Empires true believers maintain that the inherent flaws in our
Stefan’s Diaries Origins Chapter 6 Free Essays
The weather didn’t break by my engagement dinner a few days later, and even at five o’clock in the afternoon the air was hot and humid. In the kitchen, I’d overheard the servants gossiping that the strange, still weather was a result of the animal-killing demons. But discussion of the demons did not stop people from all over the county coming to the Grange Hall to celebrate the Confederacy. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 6 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The coaches backed up beyond the stone drive and showed no sign of slowing their onslaught toward the imposing stone structure. â€Å"Stefan Salvatore!†I heard as I stepped out of the coach behind my father. As my feet hit dirt, I saw Ellen Emerson and her daughter, Daisy, walking arm in arm, trailed by two maids. Hundreds of lanterns lit the stone steps leading to the white wooden doors, and carriages lined the curved walkway. I could hear strains of a waltz coming from inside the hall. â€Å"Mrs. Emerson. Daisy.†I bowed deeply. Daisy had hated me ever since we were children, when Damon had dared me to push her into Willow Creek. â€Å"Why, if it isn’t the gorgeous Emerson ladies,†Father said, also bowing. â€Å"Thank you to both of you for coming to this small supper. It’s so good to see everyone in town. We need to band together, now more than ever,†Father said, catching Ellen Emerson’s eye. â€Å"Stefan,†Daisy repeated, nodding as she took my hand. â€Å"Daisy. Y look more beautiful every day. Can ou you please forgive a gentleman for his wicked youth?†She glared at me. I sighed. There was no mystery or intrigue in Mystic Falls. Everyone knew everyone else. If Rosalyn and I were to get married, our children would be dancing with Daisy’s children. They would have the same conversations, the same jokes, the same fights. And the cycle would continue for eternity. â€Å"Ellen, would you do me the honor of allowing me to show you inside?†Father asked, anxious to make sure the hall was decorated according to his exacting specifications. Daisy’s mother nodded, and Daisy and I were left under the watchful gaze of the Emersons’ maid. â€Å"I’ve heard Damon’s back. How is he?†Daisy asked, finally deigning to talk to me. â€Å"Miss Emerson, we best be going inside to find your mama,†Daisy’s maid interrupted, tugging Daisy’s arm through the wide double doors of the Grange Hall. â€Å"I look forward to seeing Damon. Do give him that message!†Daisy called over her shoulder. I sighed and stepped into the hall. Located between town and the estate, the Grange had once been a meeting spot for the county’s landed gentry but had now become a makeshift armory. The walls of the hall were covered with ivy and wisteria and, farther up, Confederate flags. A band on the raised stage in the corner played a jaunty rendition of â€Å"The Bonnie Blue Flag,†and at least fifty couples circled the floor with glasses of punch in their hands. Father had obviously spared no expense, and it was clear that this was more than a simple welcome dinner for the troops. Heart-heavy, I headed over to the punch. I hadn’t walked more than five steps when I felt a hand clap my back. I prepared myself to give a tight smile and accept the awkward congratulations that were already trickling in. What was the point of having a dinner to announce an engagement that everyone seemed to know about? I thought sourly. I turned to find myself face-to-face with Mr. Cartwright. I instantly composed my expression into something I hoped resembled excitement. â€Å"Stefan, boy! If it isn’t the man of the hour!†Mr. Cartwright said, offering me a glass of whiskey. â€Å"Sir. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of your daughter’s company,†I said automatically, taking the smallest sip I could muster. I’d woken up with a terrible whiskey headache the morning after Damon and I spent time at the tavern. I’d stayed in bed, a cool compress on my forehead, while Damon had barely seemed affected. I’d heard him chasing Katherine through the labyrinth in the backyard. Every laugh I’d heard was like a tiny dagger in my brain. â€Å"The pleasure is all yours. I know it’s a good merger. Practical and low risk with plenty of opportunity for growth.†â€Å"Thank you, sir,†I said. â€Å"And I am so sorry about Rosalyn’s dog.†Mr. Cartwright shook his head. â€Å"Don’t tell my wife or Rosalyn, but I’d always hated the damn thing. Not saying it should have gone and gotten itself killed, but I think everyone is getting themselves all worked up over nothing. All this discussion of demons you hear all over the damn place. People whispering that the town is cursed. It’s that kind of talk that makes people so afraid of risk. Makes them nervous about putting their money in the bank,†Mr. Cartwright boomed, causing several people to stare. I smiled nervously. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Father acting as host and shuttling people toward the long table at the center of the room. I noticed each place was set with Mother’s delicate fleur-de-lis china. â€Å"Stefan,†my father said, clapping his hand on my shoulder, â€Å"are you ready? Y have everything ou you need?†â€Å"Yes.†I touched the ring in my breast pocket and followed him to the head of the table. Rosalyn stood next to her mother and smiled tightly at her parents. Rosalyn’s eyes, still red from crying over poor Penny, clashed horribly with the oversize, frilly pink dress she was wearing. As our neighbors took their seats around us, I realized that there were still two empty seats to my left. â€Å"Where’s your brother?†Father asked, lowering his voice. I glanced toward the door. The band was still playing, and there was anticipation in the air. Finally, the doors opened with a clatter, and Damon and Katherine walked in. Together. It wasn’t fair, I thought savagely. Damon could act like a boy, could continue to drink and flirt as if nothing had consequence. I’d always done the right thing, the responsible thing, and now it felt as though I was being punished for it by being forced to become a man. Even I was surprised by the surge of anger I felt. Instantly guilty, I tried to squelch the emotion by downing the full glass of wine to my left. After all, would Katherine have been expected to come to the dinner by herself? And wasn’t Damon just being gallant, the good elder brother? Besides, they had no future. Marriages, at least in our society, were approved only if they merged two families. And, as an orphan, what did Katherine have to offer besides beauty? Father would never let me marry her, but that also meant he wouldn’t let Damon marry her either. And even Damon wouldn’t go so far as to marry someone Father didn’t approve of. Right? Still, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Damon’s arm around Katherine’s tiny waist. She wore a green muslin dress whose fabric spread across her hoop skirts, and there was a hushed murmur as she and Damon made their way to the two empty seats at the center of the table. Her blue necklace gleamed at her throat, and she winked at me before taking the empty seat next to my own. Her hip brushed against mine, and I shifted uncomfortably. â€Å"Damon.†Father nodded tersely as Damon sat down to his left. â€Å"So do you think the army will be all the way down to Georgia by winter?†I asked Jonah Palmer loudly, simply because I didn’t trust myself to speak to Katherine. If I heard her musical voice, I might lose my nerve to propose to Rosalyn. â€Å"I’m not worried about Georgia. What I am worried about is getting the militia together to solve the problems here in Mystic Falls. These attacks will not be stood for,†Jonah, the town veterinarian who had also been training the Mystic Falls militia, said loudly, pounding his fist on the table so hard, the china rattled. Just then, an army of servants entered the hall, holding plates of wild pheasant. I took my silver fork and pushed the gamey meat around my plate; I had no appetite. Around me, I could hear the usual discussions: about the war, about what we could do for our boys in gray, about upcoming dinners and barbecues and church socials. Katherine was nodding intently at Honoria Fells across the table. Suddenly I felt jealous of the grizzled, frizzy-haired Honoria. She was able to have the one-on-one conversation with Katherine that I so desperately wanted. â€Å"Ready, son?†Father elbowed me in the ribs, and I noticed that people were already finished with their meals. More wine was being poured, and the band, who’d paused during the main course, was playing in the corner. This was the moment everyone had been waiting for: They knew an announcement was about to be made, and they knew that following that announcement there would be celebrating and dancing. It was always the way dinners happened in Mystic Falls. But I’d never before been at the center of an announcement. As if on cue, Honoria leaned toward me, and Damon smiled encouragingly. Feeling sick to my stomach, I took a deep breath and clinked my knife against my crystal glass. Immediately, there was a hush throughout the hall, and even the servants stopped midstep to stare at me. I stood up, took a long swig of red wine for courage, and cleared my throat. â€Å"I †¦ um,†I began in a low, strained voice I didn’t recognize as my own. â€Å"I have an announcement.†Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Father clutching his champagne flute, ready to jump in with a toast. I glanced at Katherine. She was looking at me, her dark eyes piercing my own. I tore my gaze away and gripped my glass so tightly, I was sure it would break. â€Å"Rosalyn, I’d like to ask your hand in marriage. Will you do me the honor?†I said in a rush, fumbling in my suit pocket for the ring. I pulled out the box and knelt down in front of Rosalyn, staring up at her watery brown eyes. â€Å"For you,†I said without inflection, flipping open the lid and holding it out toward her. Rosalyn shrieked, and the room burst into a smattering of applause. I felt a hand clap my back, and I saw Damon grinning down on me. Katherine clapped politely, an unreadable expression on her face. â€Å"Here.†I took Rosalyn’s tiny white hand and pushed the ring on her finger. It was too large, and the emerald rolled lopsidedly toward her pinkie. She looked like a child playing dress-up with her mother’s jewelry. But Rosalyn didn’t seem to care that the ring didn’t fit. Instead, she held out her hand, watching as the diamonds captured the light of the table’s candles. Immediately, a crush of women surrounded us, cooing over the ring. â€Å"This does call for a celebration!†my father called out. â€Å"Cigars for everyone. Come here, Stefan, son! Y ou’ve made me one proud father.†I nodded and shakily stepped over to him. It was ironic that while I’d spent my entire life trying to get my father’s approval, what made him happiest was an act that made me feel dead inside. â€Å"Katherine, will you dance with me?†I heard Damon’s voice above the din of scraping chairs and clinking glassware. I stopped in my tracks, waiting for the answer. Katherine glanced up, casting a furtive look in my direction. Her eyes held my own for a long moment. A wild urge to rip the ring off Rosalyn’s finger and place it on Katherine’s pale one nearly overtook me. But then Father nudged me from behind, and before I could react, Damon grabbed Katherine by the hand and led her out to the dance floor. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 6, Essay examples
Compare and Contrast Han and Roman Empire free essay sample
To begin with, in the Han Empire it was believed that Fuxi, a mythological wise emperor, invented pestle and mortar and that later on they were improved to withstand the whole weight of the body. This shows how the ancient Chinese used their intellect to advance themselves; they saw that their materials were not as strong as they needed to be so they bettered them to get them up to standards (Doc. 3). In contrast, the Romans were retarded in their advancements because of the way they looked at different jobs, some as degrading and vulgar. They didn’t like to take ideas from people that were in a lower social class because that’d make them unrefined as well (Doc. 5). Gaius Gracchus was a very wise man; he was an expert at designing roads to maximize mobility. He paid close attention to the smallest details and he made sure everything was as perfect as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Han and Roman Empire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The idea of the road was to fix the problem of the time it took to get from place to place. It was important to receive the perspective of Plutarch because it shows that even as a bloody thirsty Roman official, he appreciated the art of road building (Doc. 6). Also, in order to make sure there was plenty of water in Rome they built extensive aqueducts. These aqueducts were very efficiently built, a special cement that hardened as water ran over it was invented by the Romans to strengthen these marvelous structures (Doc. 8). Both of these great empires had intellectual views towards technology and it showed in the way they used it to get over obstacles posed in front of them. Many innovative ideas were put into play during the Han Dynasty, for example, Tu Shih invented a water-powered blowing-engine for the casting of iron agricultural implements that allowed people to enjoy great benefit for ittle labor. This increased productivity greatly and also made him popular among the common people. It would have been helpful to get the point of view of a commoner in order to really prove that Tu Shih was as great as he is portrayed (Doc. 4). Again, tools and technological advancements were made only when needed. According Seneca, it did not take a wise man to create these advancements, just motivation and reason. Roman advancement was also retarded because they saw no reason to progress unless it was totally needed (Doc. ). Something that helped the Romans enhance their technologies was that they allowed outside cultures to influence them. They were able to use other wise men’s ideas with their own to help them progress, something the Han Empire refused to do. They did not wish to tolerate was outside influence them, the Han did not want to tarnish their culture, they believed they were the oldest, most continuous culture around, and that it was superior to all others. This closed mindedness retarded their advancement greatly. The Han and the Romans both had their own inventions and ideas to put forth to help improve their empires. The Han government established water conservation offices in order to prevent floods. They built dikes and stationed engineers and officials around the flood prone areas. The point of view of the Han government official was important because it showed how he thought forward to the future to save money. If floods were prevented and the surrounding suburbs, cities, and government buildings were kept safe the Han government would not have to spend money on having to rebuild and repair (Doc. 1. When tools were first beginning to be made during the Han dynasty, workers were allowed to do both foundry work and salt boiling as long as they reported the work and paid a tax. Tools manufactured by paid citizens were well made. When the state began to use convict labor to save money, the tools were very brittle and horrible quality. Prices began to skyrocket so that common people cannot af ford to buy them. The point of view of a common woman would have been another good point of view in this situation. It would of helped emphasize the hard times and the horrible tools they were given to work with. Another point of view that would of given us a different look on things would have been one from a convict, this would of shown how they were treated and why they made the tools as they did (Doc. 2). By placing stones on either side of the road at lesser intervals, Gaius was able to reduce to cost of traveling because he made it easier for those with horses to mount them without the help of a groom. Since they did not have to pay a groom, they could use that money to buy food for the animal or to provide for their family (Doc. 6). The economy of the Han and Roman empires was greatly enriched because of their positive outlooks on technology. Even though the views of the Han and Romans differed, they both had advancements and retardations due to their viewpoint on technology. They had some similarities as well; together they indirectly helped each other evolve within their limitations. The attitudes of the Han and Romans toward technology both had different ways of using intellect to solve enigmas, technological advancements to help everyday people, and helped the economy by preventing natural disasters and preventing unnecessary spending of money.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Report on Face to Face Meeting and the Trade Fair †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Report on Face to Face Meeting and the Trade Fair. Answer: Report on Face to Face Meeting Recently I had an opportunity to meet and interact with three people who work in the integrated marketing communications field. During these meetings, I had an opportunity to speak to them about their work and sought their advice on how to prepare for finding and retaining a job in the industry. The conversations were eye opening and enlightened me on the requisites of the MIC field. My first meeting was with Mrs. Jane Milton, an MIC associate at Access Communications. During our interaction, I asked Mrs. Milton to advice me on the best way to prepare for and maintain a job in the marketing industry. She responded by highlighting the importance of creating a personal brand. Specifically, she suggested that it is important for an individual seeking a career opportunity in the industry, it is important for them to create the best version of themselves in front of the hiring manager and leave a long lasting impression by creating a personal brand. One may do this by customizing their resume for each individual job application and having a clean social presence. Afterwards, I had an opportunity to interact with Mr. John Kingsley who works in the MIC department at Ache Records. His advice was insightful and eye opening for an individual like me, seeking for a job in the MIC field. When asked on the best ways to prepare for and retain a job in the industry, he emphasized on the importance of possessing the right technical skills. Particularly, he stressed on the value of attending the right courses that equip an individual with the skills required in MIC. In his opinion, it is fundamental for a candidate to attend classes such as programming, mathematics and psychology. These classes will equip the individual with the skills to optimize marketing programs, as well as understand human behavior. Indeed, these skills are critical in marketing. Lastly, I had a meeting with Miss Jeniffer Kim, an MIC associate at Magna International. She enlightened me on the fact that in order to secure a job opportunity in the MIC field, it is important for the candidate to possess a great deal of self confidence. The job description warrants for an outspoken individual who can interact comfortably with clients and colleagues. Therefore, when attending an interview, the candidate must exhibit confidence. Report on the Job Fair Attendance I also attended two job fairs where I interacted with many potential employers from various companies across the country. First, I interacted with Randall Miller, who works as an IMC manager at Goodlife Fitness Company. When asked on the most critical skills that anyone seeking a position at Goodlife Fitness should possess, Mr Miller pointed out that the candidate must exhibit superior writing, editing and presentation skills. Mainly, this is because these skills are critical as one needs to communicate effectively with clients and team members. In addition, one must possess great teamwork skills as they may work with specialists from various marketing disciplines. According to Mr. Miller, having these skills may help one get and retain a job in the integrated marketing communication field. Afterward, I met Mrs. Emma Stone, and she shared some insightful views about landing and maintaining a lucrative job in the MIC field. Mrs. Stone is an Assistant Dean of Communications at Cintas Canada Limited. In her opinion, the right candidate for an MIC job at the company is one who can develop skills in observing responses both in the face-to-face format, the mathematical format and the feedback format. I learned that in order to be a great candidate for the job, one must be good at observing the cultural values of any situation in which a message is distributed to ascertain for cultural sensitivity and expertise. Lastly, I had an insightful conversation with Mr. Mason Rogers who is also an MIC associate at Sofina Foods Inc. I requested Mr. Rogers to enlighten me on the biggest errors that most candidates make when seeking employment at their company. To this, he responded by pointing out that most candidates fail to obtain a job in the field due to simple errors in the resumes. In his opinion, employers view the resume as a reflection of the applicant. For this reason, if they make mistakes in their application materials, then it is assumed that they will make mistakes on the job as well. From this I learnt that it is important to take a keen interest while writing a resume or cover letter for any job application as it can determine whether or not one is considered for the opportunity. List of questions asked What is the best way to prepare for and maintain a hob in the integrated marketing communications field? What critical skills should anyone intending to start a career in the integrated marketing communications industry possess? How can one secure and retain a job in the IMC department of your company or any other company? What are the biggest errors that mist candidates applying for an MIC job opportunity make?
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